xɨɺiÉÖRÂóMÉʶɮú¶SÉÖΨ¤É SÉxpùSÉɨɮúSÉÉ®ú´Éä * jÉè±ÉÉäCªÉ
xÉMÉ®úÉ®ú¨¦É ¨Éڱɺiɨ¦ÉÉªÉ ¶É¨¦É´Éä *
={ÉɪÉÉä{ÉäªÉ°ü{ÉÉªÉ Ê¶É´ÉÉªÉ MÉÖ®ú¤Éä xɨÉ&*
ªÉ& ºÉ¨ÉÉ´Éä¶É& ¶Éɨ¦É´ÉÉäºÉÉ´ÉÖnùɾþiÉ&*
ºÉ´ÉÇYÉÉä ʽþ ʶɴÉÉä ´ÉäÊkÉ ºÉnùºÉSSÉäι]õiÉÆ xÉÞhÉɨÉÂ*
SÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉ¨É (ʴɹɪÉ|ɪÉÉäVÉxÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ÒúºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ&):
The first ºÉÚjÉ of ¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ is +lÉÉiÉÉä ¥ÉÀÊVÉYÉɺÉÉ.
This also discusses the +xÉÖ¤ÉxvÉ&
SÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉ¨É as follows: The Vedic descriptions can be divided into two
categories: those relating to: 1) Consciousness (¥ÉÀ or +Éi¨ÉÉ),
and 2) the physical Universe (ʴɶ´É¨ÉÂ).
Here the word ¥ÉÀ
stands for the subject (ʴɹɪÉ&).
In the Vedas – especially in Upanishads - we find many apparently contradictory
descriptions relating to ¥ÉÀ.
The branch that lists them serially like a thread (ºÉÚjÉ) and resolves them (¨ÉÒ¨ÉÉƺɪÉÊiÉ), is called
¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ or =kÉ®ú¨ÉÒ¨ÉÉƺÉÉ (=kÉ® because, according
to Eò`öÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnÂù 4/1,
- our sense organs are directed outward. Hence we perceive the external world first
and º´ÉªÉ¨¦ÉÚ ¥ÉÀ later). ÊVÉYÉɺÉÉ depicts the
necessity (|ɪÉÉäVÉxÉ)
for this book – resolution of such doubts. ‚
is used before reading the Vedas. +lÉ is used for other texts, which are essentially commentaries
on Vedas - the repository of vɨÉÇ
– eternal principles for humanity and knowledge of everything. It has no
comparison (º¨ÉÞÊiÉ
deals with religion – way of life in Sanatana Dharma, like the Sacred Texts of
other religions). +lÉ
means here-after (+xÉxiÉ®ú),
which indicates the precondition for reading the text - the person worthy of
studying this branch (+ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ)
must have read the Vedas before, because finding contradictions (ÊVÉYÉɺÉÉ) necessitating
their resolution (¨ÉÒ¨ÉÉƺÉÉ)
can arise only after reading Vedas. +iÉÉä depicts the relationship (ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ&) of resolving such
contradictions through these teachings.
The second ºÉÚjÉ of ¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ is VÉx¨ÉÉtºªÉ ªÉiÉ&*. Because
Brahma (¥ÉÀ) is
described as eternal - +VÉ and the ºÉÚjÉ contains the word
(creation etc.), all commentators have taken the word +ºªÉ to mean the creation (ʴɶ´É¨ÉÂ) on the
assumption that the word VÉx¨É
stands for something that is created from a cause (VÉɪÉiÉä, =i{ÉÊkÉ&, VÉxÉxÉÆ, =nÂù¦É´É&
etc). But according to MÉhÉÉlÉÇ-Eò±{ÉpÖù¨É&
(which, like Tolkappiyam,
follows Bäxpù ´ªÉÉEò®úhÉ)
the root VÉxÉÂ
also means |ÉÉnÖù¦ÉÉÇ´É.
In that case, VÉx¨É
refers to an act of ¥ÉÀ.
That the word +ºªÉ
does not imply the physical Universe (ʴɶ´É¨ÉÂ), is clear from the context ({ÉÚ´ÉÉÇ{É®ú ºÉRÂóMÉÊiÉ):
The subject here
is ¥ÉÀ, which is
unitary (¨ÉÉèʱÉEò)
and fundamentally different from ʴɶ´É¨ÉÂ, which is compounded (ªÉÉèÊMÉEò). All perceptions (|ÉiªÉªÉ) are action
based (®úVɺÉÉ =nÂùPÉÉÊ]õiɨÉÂ).
Action (ÊGòªÉÉ) involves
operation (´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®ú). Operation (´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®ú) reveals the
transformation of one into various forms (º¡Úò®úhÉ) in a sequence (Gò¨É) . Such
transformations (º¡Úò®úiÉÉ)
are of two types: as +½þ¨ÉÂ
and as Â. The first is
conscious (SÉäiÉxÉ)
and related to ¥ÉÀ
(ÊSÉpÚù{ÉÆ Ê½þ ºÉnùÉ
ºÉiªÉÆ xÉÉÊSÉpÚù{ÉÆ EònùÉSÉxÉ), as all observations end with unchanging (+Gò¨Énù̶É) universal self +½þ¨ÉÂ
as “I know”. The observed  is related to ʴɶ´É¨É (VÉMÉzÉ ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä xÉɦÉÉ´ÉÉä ¦ÉÉ´ÉɦÉÉ´ÉÉä
and inert (VÉb÷) as
it evolves in time (Gò¨Énù̶É). Without any reference to the later, +ºªÉ in the ºÉÚjÉ means ¥ÉÀ - the subject (SÉäiÉxÉ +½þ¨ÉÂ) only; and
not the creation (VÉb Â).
The next two ºÉÚjÉÉè confirm this
view. The third ºÉÚjÉ
is ¶ÉɺjɪÉÉäÊxÉi´ÉÉiÉÂ*.
All commentators have interpreted the word ¶ÉɺjɪÉÉäÊxÉ as ¶ÉɺjɺªÉ ªÉÉäÊxÉ (¹É¹`öÒ iÉi{ÉÖ¯û¹É ºÉ¨ÉɺÉ) – the source of all
Sacred Texts. Here the word ªÉÉäÊxÉ
has been wrongly described as instrumental cause (ÊxÉʨÉkÉEòÉ®úhÉ) as ªÉÉäÊxÉ by itself is only the place of
origin (|ɦɴÉ) and
not the cause. It depends on two independent factors - ®äúiÉ and ®äúiÉÉävÉÉ (®äúiÉ|Énù Ê{ÉiÉÉ) for creation. The ®äúiÉÉävÉÉ is the instrumental
cause (ÊxÉʨÉkÉEòÉ®úhÉ),
with ®äúiÉ and ªÉÉäÊxÉ being the
inherent or material cause (ºÉ¨É´ÉɪÉÒ
or ={ÉÉnùÉxÉ or +É®ú¨¦ÉhÉ EòÉ®úhÉ) and the
non-inherent or catalytic cause (+ºÉ¨É´ÉɪÉÒ
EòÉ®úhÉ) respectively. The word ¶ÉɺjɪÉÉäÊxÉ can also mean ¶ÉɺjÉ ªÉÉäÊxÉ ªÉºªÉ (´É½Öþ¥ÉÒʽþ ºÉ¨ÉɺÉ) –
IT (¥ÉÀ) can be known
through (ªÉÉäÊxÉ -
|ɦɴÉ) Sacred
Texts (¶ÉɺjÉYÉÉxÉ) or transferred
cognition. Thus, there are two different meanings for this ºÉÚjÉ, of which the later
conforms to the context. The ºÉÚjÉ
indicates one ®äúiÉÉävÉÉ
as the instrumental cause (ÊxÉʨÉkÉEòÉ®úhÉ)
and ®äúiÉ and ªÉÉäÊxÉ as constituent
cause (={ÉÉnùÉxÉ EòÉ®úhÉ)
and catalytic cause (+ºÉ¨É´ÉɪÉÒ EòÉ®úhÉ) respectively revealing
three aspects of ¥ÉÀ,
as described in ªÉVÉÖ´ÉäÇn 8/36 (discussed below).
iÉiÉÂ in the fourth
ºÉÚjÉ – iÉkÉÖ ºÉ¨Éx´ÉªÉÉiÉ - tries
to show the compatibility (ºÉ¨Éx´ÉªÉ)
of these three aspect of {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ
(and not ¥ÉÀ as ={ÉÉnùÉxÉ EòÉ®úhÉ also).
The word iÉÖ here
stands for Ê´ÉÊxɶSɪÉä – a definitive
resolution (ºÉ¨Éx´ÉªÉ)
and not iÉlÉÉ as
is generally commented.
According to ªÉVÉÖ´ÉäÇn ´ÉÉVɺÉxÉäªÉÒ ºÉÆʽþiÉÉ 8/36, “ªÉº¨ÉÉzÉ VÉÉiÉ& {É®úÉä +xªÉÉä +κiÉ ªÉ +ÉÊ´É´Éä¶É ¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉÉÊxÉ
¹ÉÉäb÷¶ÉÒ*”. It talks of three VªÉÉäÊiÉ - aspects of ¹ÉÉäb÷¶ÉÒ - but spells out only two aspects: ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ signified by ªÉº¨ÉÉzÉ VÉÉiÉ& {É®úÉä
+xªÉÉä +κiÉ and |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ signified
by ªÉ +ÉÊ´É´Éä¶É
¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉÉÊxÉ Ê´É·ÉÉ. Reference: iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ={ÉÊxɹÉn 2/6: iÉiºÉÞ¹]Âõ´ÉÉ iÉnäù´ÉÉxÉÖ|ÉÉʴɶÉiÉÂ* iÉnùxÉÖ|ÉʴɶªÉ
Also ¤ÉÞ½þnùÉ®úhªÉEò
={ÉÊxɹÉiÉ 2/3/1-2. It leaves out |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ (Ê´ÉÊ´ÉHò - +ºÉÆ{ÉÞHò, |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò-Ê´ÉÊ´ÉHò¨ÉÖJÉÒ), as, like iÉÚ®úÒªÉ {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ, IT is ¶ÉɺjÉÉxÉÊvÉEÞòiÉ - no
text can describe IT except “xÉäÊiÉ
xÉäÊiÉ, ªÉiÉÉä
´ÉÉSÉÉä ÊxÉ´ÉkÉÇxiÉä +|ÉÉ{ªÉ¨ÉxɺÉÉ ºÉ½þ, xÉ iɺªÉ |ÉÊiɨÉÉ +κiÉ, xÉ iɺªÉ EòɪÉÈ Eò®úhÉÆ SÉ
Ê´ÉtiÉä xÉ iÉiºÉ¨É¶SÉɦªÉÊvÉEò¶SÉ où¶ªÉiÉä, xÉ iÉjÉ SÉIÉÖMÉÇSUôÊiÉ xÉ
´ÉÉMMÉSUôÊiÉ xÉ ¨ÉxÉÉä xÉ Ê´ÉnÂù¨ÉÉä xÉ Ê´ÉVÉÉxÉÒ¨ÉÉä,” etc. For IT, ¨ÉÉhbÖ÷CªÉ ={ÉÊxɹÉiÉÂù says “xÉÉxiÉ& |ÉYÉÆ xÉ ¤Éʽþ& |ÉYÉÆ
|É{É\SÉÉä{ɶɨÉÆ ¶ÉÉxiÉÆ Ê¶É´É¨ÉuèùiɨÉ”. The |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ, exists in a relationship
of inherence (ºÉSÉiÉä -
ºÉSÉ ºÉ¨É´ÉɪÉä) with the ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ and |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ just like a seed contains the two pods at
germination (ªÉlÉÉ
+xiÉ& κlÉÊiÉ&*). Hence, ¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ 3/2/11 says: xÉ ºlÉÉxÉiÉÉä%Ê{É
{É®úºªÉÉä¦ÉªÉʱÉRÂóMÉƺɴÉÇjÉ Ê½þ*. This way the other ºÉÚjÉÉ& - xÉ ¦ÉänùÉÊnùÊiÉ SÉäzÉ
+ɽþ SÉ iÉx¨ÉÉjɨÉÂ, nù¶ÉǪÉÊiÉ SÉÉlÉÉä +Ê{É º¨ÉªÉÇiÉä etc. can be
How do we know {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ exists? We can
know about something that exists and evolves in time only when it is revealed
to us for observation. How does {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ
reveal ITself? All revelations involve instantaneous transfer of energy (¶ÉÊHò), whose existence
is realized only during change of state of the observed. Nothing happens
ex-nihilo – out of nothing. Thus, the changed state must have existed in its
potential form before it is revealed to us. Such potential state was unknown –
hidden from us by something (+É´É®úEò
iɨÉ) and after this unknown factor is eliminated through perception or
measurement using energy (®úVÉ),
its true state (ºÉk´É)
is revealed to us. Since result of measurement at any instant is always fixed,
it is revealing radiation (+É´É®úEäòhÉ
OɽþhɺɨÉlÉÈ ¦É´ÉÊiÉ* ´ªÉɺɦÉɹªÉ on ªÉÉäMɺÉÚjɨÉ – 4/31*) (explained in
detail later).
In ¤ÉÞ½þnùÉ®úhªÉEòÉä{ÉÊxɹÉiÉ 4/3,
there is a discussion on “ËEòVªÉÉäÊiÉ®úªÉÆ
{ÉÖ¯û¹É”. It ends with “{ÉÖ¯û¹É&
º´ÉªÉÆVªÉÉäÊiɦÉÇ´ÉÊiÉ”. Thus, it has been said that: “ʶɴÉ& |ÉEòɶɰü{ÉÉä ʽþ
iɺªÉ ʴɸÉÉÎxiÉ®úÉi¨ÉÊxÉ* +½Æþ¦ÉÉ´É& ºÉ¨ÉÉJªÉÉiÉ& ºÉ
ªÉº¨ÉÉnùxÉ{ÉäIÉEò&* º´ÉiÉxjÉi´ÉäxÉ EòÊlÉiÉÉä ¦É´ÉänùÒ·É®úiÉÉ Ê½þ ºÉÉ* ºÉÉ
º¡Öò®úiÉÉ ÊGòªÉÉJªÉÉiÉÉ +½þRÂóEòÉ®úÉi¨ÉxÉÉ ÎºlÉiÉÉ”. This has been interpreted as “ʶɴÉÉä ʽþ +Ê´ÉÎSUôzÉ ¶ÉÖrùºÉΨ´Éi|ÉEòɶɨÉÉjÉ°ü{É&*”.
Further, “|ÉEòɶɺªÉÉi¨ÉʴɸÉÉÎxiÉ®ú½Æþ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä
ʽþ EòÒÌkÉiÉ&* =HòÉ SÉ ºÉè´É ʴɸÉÉÎxiÉ& ºÉ´ÉÉÇ{ÉäIÉÉÊxÉ®úÉävÉiÉ&*
º´ÉÉiÉxjªÉ¨ÉlÉ EòkÉÞÇi´ÉÆ ¨ÉÖJªÉ¨ÉÒ·É®úiÉÉÊ{É SÉ” (VÉb÷|ɨÉÉiÉÞʺÉÊrù). IT
is the source of all revelations (the content of “I know…” includes “I know
that I know...”). “I” does not depend on anything else to reveal ITself. This
Absolute Independence is IT’s Lordship. ·ÉäiÉÉ·ÉäiÉ®ú ={ÉÊxɹÉn 1/3 says: näù´ÉÉi¨É¶ÉËHò
º´ÉMÉÖhÉèÌxÉMÉÚføɨÉÂ*. IT’s revelation has been described as an action,
because it is an observation. But it is not like ordinary actions, which are
sequential and time dependent. Thus, the ={ÉÊxɹÉn declares: ªÉ& EòÉ®úhÉÉÊxÉ ÊxÉÊJɱÉÉÊxÉ iÉÉÊxÉ
EòɱÉÉi¨ÉªÉÖHòÉxªÉÊvÉÊiɹ`õiªÉäEò*. The word BEò here and the statement BEò¨Éä´ÉÉÊuùiÉҪɨÉÂ, may
create doubt that if IT is one, how and why does IT become three? The answer is
inherence (ºÉSÉiÉää).
They belong to the same entity as a class (VÉÉÊiÉ{É®úi´É). Thus the ={ÉÊxɹÉn says: BEòÉä ´ªÉÉ{ÉÒ etc.
Revelations are
of two types: 1) of external dimensional objects (´Éè¹ÉʪÉEò |ÉEòɶÉ) and 2) internal perceptual
revelation (as “I know” - º´É|ÉEòɶÉ
- explained below). External objects are revealed through measuring
instruments, sense organs, mind, etc, with limited capacity - hence limited in
dimension ({ÉÊ®úÎSUôzÉ)
- spread. When cognized through our intellect; depending upon whether we had
similar cognition before or not, it becomes known/indeterminate (YÉÉiÉùÉYÉÉiÉ Ê´É¹ÉªÉ).
For example, if we see a snake and become afraid, adrenalin runs in our blood
in reaction. But in the cognition of “fear” by “I”, snake is not the direct cause,
as it is only a form cognized through our faculty of vision. One who does not
have knowledge of snake will not react similarly when seeing it. The “fear” is
due to a specific cognition in our brain, which is far away and not connected
with the physical snake. Cognition has no dimension like physical objects. It
(fear in this example) is also not related to one or more specific external causes
(+ɱɨ¤ÉxÉ). Same
logic applies to other emotions like happiness and sorrow. The intensity of
emotion (reaction) may grow or lessen due to repetition, but it is not
dimension. We may know about the object of our pleaure or pain. But like the
snake example, they are not the direct cause for happiness or sorrow. It is
something internal.
The cognition as
“I know…”, also cannot be categorized like other perceptions, because it is
universally cognized in all perceptions (xÉ SÉ iÉiÉ ºÉɱɨ¤ÉxÉÆ iɺªÉÉʴɹɪÉÒ¦ÉÚiÉi´ÉÉiÉÂ*).
The sense organs receive impulses from their specific sources. Mind carries all
such implulses to the brain, where it is mixed. Intellect reveals the net
picture after such mixing. But it can only be cognized by the Self – “I”. Since
cognition is the result of measurement, which is comparison between similars,
and since the basic concepts cognized by all persons at all times are similar, it
must be universal. Hence cognitive revelation is independent of other factors (+xªÉÊxÉ®ú{ÉäIÉ |ÉEòÉ¶É thus
ºÉnùÉYÉÉiÉ Ê´É¹ÉªÉ).
¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ 1/1/6-9 confirms
this view. Since all three are different aspects of ¥ÉÀ, none is inferior to the other (MÉÉèhɶSÉäzÉÉi¨É¶É´nùÉiÉÂ).
says +rÇù ½þ ´Éè
|ÉVÉÉ{ÉiÉä®úÉi¨ÉxÉÉä ¨ÉiªÉǨÉɺÉÒnùrÇù¨É¨ÉÞiɨÉÂ. Accordingly, when |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ is
considered from the perspective of the Universe, IT is called <Ç·É®ú (Ê´É·ÉÉ{ÉäIɪÉÉ ºÉ´ÉÇ´ªÉÉ{ÉEò
ʴɷɶɮúÒ®úÉ´ÉÎSUôzÉ ºÉ´ÉǦÉÚiÉÉxiÉ®úÉi¨ÉÉ). When IT is considered from
the perspective of lesser objects, IT is called VÉÒ´É (Ê´É·ÉÉ{ÉäIɪÉÉ {ÉÊ®úÎSUôzÉ ¶É®úÒ®úÉ{ÉäIɪÉÉ
ºÉ´ÉÇ´ªÉÉ{ÉEò ¶É®úÒ®úÊ´É·ÉÉ´ÉÎSUôzÉ ¦ÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉÉ). The ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ becomes the
creation (VÉMÉiºÉ´ÉǨÉÂ).
Yet, these are not different from the {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ (½äþªÉi´ÉÉ´ÉSÉxÉÉSSÉ)
and ultimately become one with IT (iÉÊzɹ`öºªÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉÉä{Énäù¶ÉÉiÉÂ) during |É±ÉªÉ (º´ÉÉ{ªÉªÉÉiÉÂ). Thus, BEÆò ´ÉÉ – 6/4/29.
·ÉäiÉÉ·ÉäiÉ®ú ={ÉÊxɹÉnù 6/8 says:
¶ÉÊHòÌ´ÉÊ´ÉvÉè´É ¸ÉÚªÉiÉä º´ÉɦÉÉÊ´ÉEòÒ YÉÉxɤɱÉÊGòªÉÉ SÉ*. These
reveal itself as the conserved (|ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ/{É®úÉi{É®
or +Ê´ÉEÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ +´ªÉªÉú -
EÖò´ÉÇnÂù-Eò¨ÉÇEòkÉÉÇ-¡ò±ÉÉäx¨ÉÖJÉ, MÉÖhÉÉiÉÒiÉ), kinetic (|Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ/{É®úÉ or EÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ +IÉ®, ºÉMÉÖhÉ¥ÉÀ) and potential
or Ê´ÉEÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ IÉ®, ÊxÉMÉÖÇhÉ¥ÉÀú) aspects
of {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ, because ¦ÉÉäHòÉ YÉÉxɨÉ (ºÉpÚù{ÉähÉɴɦÉɺÉxɨÉÂ) is the complement of ¦ÉÉäMªÉ ÊGòªÉÉ (EòÉ®úEòÉ{ÉäIÉÉ - xÉ
YÉÉxÉɱÉΨ´ÉxÉÒ ºÉnùÉ) through ¦ÉÉäMÉ -
ºÉÖJÉnÖù&JÉ ºÉÉIÉÉiEòÉ® (+xÉÖEÚò±É´ÉänùxÉÒªÉ ºÉÖJÉ - |ÉÊiÉEÚò±É´ÉänùxÉÒªÉ nÖù&JÉ).
¦ÉÉäMÉ is also - ºÉ¨É ºÉ½þ ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ,
where ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ
means +|ÉÉ{iɪÉÉäºiÉÖ
ªÉÉ |ÉÉÎ{iÉ and |ÉÉÎ{iÉ
means +ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉɪÉÇ
¦ÉÚiÉÉxÉɨÉÂ. This is proved by ¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ 1/1/10-19. The three preceding ºÉÚjÉÉ& show how
the ¥ÉÀ evolves
and again dissolves everything on to ITself as explained above and elsewhere (ªÉlÉÉähÉÇxÉÉʦÉ& ºÉÞVÉiÉä
MÉÞ¼hÉiÉä SÉ ...¨ÉÖhb÷Eò 1/1/7). The process repeats (MÉÊiɺÉɨÉÉxªÉÉiÉÂ*
The next two ºÉÚjÉÉè confirm this
view. +ÉxÉxnù¶ÉÊHò
implies total freedom (+ÉxÉxnù¶ÉÊHò
º´ÉÉiÉxjªÉÆ ºÉÉ´ÉÇÊjÉEò¨ÉÖnùɾþiɨÉÂ). It is a character of ¥ÉÀ (+ÉxÉxnùÉä ¥ÉÀäÊiÉ ´ªÉVÉÉxÉÉiÉÂ
- iÉè.=. 3/6). Such a ¥ÉÀ
does not gets displaced or shifts away (+ÉxÉxnÆù ¥ÉÀhÉÉä Ê´ÉuùÉxÉ xÉ Ê¤É¦ÉäÊiÉ EÖòiɶSÉxÉ*
iÉè.=. 2/9). Thus the |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ
is called +´ªÉªÉ
and +¦ÉªÉ. Hence
the words ¨ÉªÉ
and +¦ªÉɺÉÉiÉ are
not applicable to +ÉxÉxnù.
That means it refers to |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ
or +IÉ®ú, because
though ®úºÉ representing
ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ or IÉ® (®úºÉÉä ´Éè ºÉ& -iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ={ÉÊxɹÉn
2/7) is one, ¤É±É
¤É±É½þÒxÉäxÉ ±É¦ªÉÉä - ¨ÉÖhb÷Eòä -3/2/4, ¤É±ÉÆ ´ÉÉ´É Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉÉnÂù¦ÉÚªÉ& -
UôÉxnùÉäMªÉä 7/8/1) representing õ|Éʴɹ]¥ÉÀ or +IÉ® being
kinetic (EÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ),
can be transformed (¨ÉªÉ] Â) to many (repetitive
- +¦ªÉɺÉ) during
creation, while it becomes one during |ɱɪÉ. Since the three exist in a relation of inherence (ºÉSÉiÉä) with each
other, reference to the middle |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ
includes the other two also. This is a standard practice in the Vedas. For
example, ¥ÉÀÉ is
related to IÉ®¥ÉÀ,
ʴɹhÉÖ& is
related to +´ªÉªÉ¥ÉÀ
is related to +IÉ®¥ÉÀ.
As is shown later,
is also related to ´ÉÉEÂò.
Hence ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ
says ´ÉÉÊMÉiªÉäEò¨ÉIÉ®ú¨ÉÂ*
+IÉ®úʨÉÊiÉ jªÉIÉ®ú¨ÉÂ, meaning thereby that among those related in a
relation of inherence, reference to one includes reference to all. Any specific
reference to them has to be interpreted according to the context.
The YÉÉxÉ-¤É±É-ÊGòªÉÉ are
also known as wÉÖ´É-vÉjÉÇ-vɯûhÉ
in the Vedas (ªÉVÉÖ&
13/34) because they represent the ºÉÖ{iÉ-EÖò´ÉÇnÂù-ÊxÉMÉÇSUônÂù states. The ¤É±ÉÉi¨ÉEò MÉÊiÉvɨÉÉÇ |ÉÉhÉ in its potential state (+´ªÉHò°ü{ÉÉ ºÉÖ{iÉɴɺlÉÉ)
is called force - ¤É±É,
in its released state (EÖò´ÉÇpÚù{ÉɴɺlÉÉ
VÉÉOÉnùɴɺlÉÉ) is called energy - |ÉÉhÉ, and in its kinetic state (ÊxÉMÉÇSUônÂù +´ÉºlÉÉ),
is called action - ÊGòªÉÉ.
Of these, EòÉ®úEò ¤É±É
relates to |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ
and ÊGòªÉÉ relates
to ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ.
Since ¨ÉɪÉÉ is a
force - ¤É±É, it
is an effect of |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ.
It will be shown that it is the mother of all forces.
{É®ú¶ÉÖ®úɨÉEò±{ɺÉÚjÉ talks about ¹É]ÂõËjɶÉiÉ iÉk´ÉÉÊxÉ
ʴɶ´É¨ÉÂ*. Here iÉk´É
has been defined as: “+É|ɱɪÉÆ
ªÉÊkɹ`öÊiÉ ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÉÆ ¦ÉÉäMÉnùÉ滃 ¦ÉÚiÉÉxÉɨÉÂ* iÉkÉk´ÉʨÉÊiÉ |ÉÉäHÆò xÉ
¶É®úÒ®úPÉ]õÉÊnù iÉk´É¨ÉiÉ&*”. In
addition to the 24 iÉk´ÉÉÊxÉ
of ºÉÉÆJªÉ, it includes
7 Ê´ÉtÉiÉk´É and
5 ʶɴÉiÉk´É of {ÉÖ¯û¹É included in the
description º´ÉÉ{ªÉªÉÉiÉÂ
(¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ 1/1/9, |ɶxÉÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnÂù4/2). ¨ÉÞMÉäxpùºÉÆʽþiÉÉ and ®úixÉjɪÉ{ÉÊ®úIÉÉ etc,
give detailed description of these ¹É]ÂõËjɶÉiÉ iÉk´ÉÉÊxÉ*. In this
list, ¨ÉɪÉÉ and +Ê´ÉtÉ are at serial
numbers 6 and 7 respectively. According to ®úixÉjɪÉ{ÉÊ®úIÉÉ, “” and “{ÉÚ´ÉÉæHò
Ê´ÉtÉÊiÉ®úÉävÉÉxɶÉÊHò¨ÉiÉÒ iÉÊuù®úÉäÊvÉxÉÒ +Ê´ÉtÉ{Énù´ÉÉSªÉÉ ºÉ{iɨÉÆ
iÉk´É¨ÉÂ*”. ´ÉÞÊkÉ&
means BEòºªÉÉxÉäEòjÉɸɪÉÉʸÉiɺɨ´ÉxvɱÉIÉhÉÉ
|ÉÉÎ{iÉ& (ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ&) where +ɸɪÉ& means ªÉºªÉ ªÉiÉÉäªÉjÉÉi¨É±ÉɦÉÉxÉÖ{É{ÉÊkÉ&*.
According to {É®ú¨ÉÉxÉxnùiÉxjɨÉÂ: “+JÉhb÷®úºÉ¨ÉäiÉÉ´ÉnäùiÉnÂù
¦ÉänùxÉxÉè{ÉÖhÉÉ* º´ÉiÉxjÉ°ü{ÉÉ i´ÉÆ näù´ÉÒ ¨ÉɪÉÉ ¦Éè®ú´É¤É±±É¦ÉÉ*
¦ÉänùxÉäxÉ º´É°ü{ɺªÉ
MÉÉä{ÉxÉÉkÉk´É°üÊ{ÉhÉÒ* º´É°ü{ɦÉänùxÉÆ Ê½þi´ÉÉ SÉèEòÉ´ÉMɨÉxÉÉätiÉÉ*”
According to ʶɴɮú½þºªÉ: “¨ÉɪÉÉ
ʴɦÉänù¤ÉÖÊrùÌxÉVÉÉƶɦÉÚiÉä¹ÉÖ ÊxÉÊJɱɦÉÚiÉä¹ÉÖ* ÊxÉiªÉÆ iɺªÉ
ÊxÉ®úRÂóEÖò¶ÉʴɦɴÉÆ ´Éä±Éä´É ¤ÉÉÊ®úËvÉ ¯ûxvÉä*
ºÉ iɪÉÉ {ÉÊ®úʨÉiɨÉÚÌkÉ&
ºÉRÂóEÖòÊSÉiɺɨɺiɶÉÊHò®äú¹É {ÉÖ¨ÉÉxÉÂ* ®úÊ´ÉÊ®ú´É ºÉxvªÉÉ®úHò&
ºÉƾþiÉ®úζ¨É& º´É¦ÉɺÉxÉä%{ªÉ{É]Öõ&*”
The fifth ºÉÚjÉ of ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ introduces ¨ÉɪÉÉ through the word
<ÇIÉiÉä&. In
all branches of the Vedas, the word <ÇIÉiÉ refers to the creation event. For example, MÉÉä{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ says:
“¥ÉÀ ½þ ´ÉÉ ”. The
word <ÇIÉiÉ
has been interpreted from the root <Ç in the sense <Ç +IhÉÉäiÉÒÊiÉ - +IÉ ´ªÉÉ{iÉÉè ºÉƽþiÉÉè SÉ*.
According to MÉhÉÉlÉÇ-Eò±{ÉpÖù¨É&,
it also means <Ç
<ªÉiÉä. Because of <ªÉiÉÉ
(confined by the complimentary characteristics of ´ªÉÉÊ{iÉ and ºÉƽÊiÉ), it describes limited dimension ({ÉÊ®úÎSUôzÉ) – hence
one only - BEò¨Éä´É
- as there is nothing similar to IT. Without limited dimension, IT cannot be
one, as dimensional clarity is a precondition for BEòi´É. Otherwise; it will be infinite - +xÉxiÉ ({É®ú¨ÉÉlÉæ iÉÖ xÉèEòi´ÉÆ {ÉÞlÉCi´ÉÉÎnÂù¦ÉzɱÉIÉhɨÉÂ*
{ÉÞlÉCi´ÉäEòi´É°ü{ÉähÉ iÉk´É¨Éä´É |ÉEòɶÉiÉä* ªÉiÉ {ÉÞlÉCi´É¨ÉºÉÎxnùMvÉÆ
iÉnäùEòi´ÉÉzÉʦÉtiÉä * ªÉnäùEòi´É¨ÉºÉÎxnùMvÉÆ iÉi{ÉÞlÉCi´ÉÉzÉ Ê¦ÉtiÉä*).
Consider the state before creation.
The xÉɺÉnùҪɺÉÚHò says “xÉɺÉnùɺÉÒzÉÉä ºÉnùɺÉÒiÉÂ
iÉnùÉxÉÓ xÉɺÉÒpùVÉÉä xÉÉä ´ªÉÉä¨ÉÉ {É®úÉäVÉiÉÂ*”. Here ®úVÉ and ´ªÉÉä¨É indicate
minimum perceptible (+hÉÖ)
and infinite ({É®ú¨É¨É½þiÉÂ)
dimension respectively – the two extreme limits of measurement. In their
absence, confined ({ÉÊ®úÎSUôzÉ)
dimension (which is the perception of differentiation between the internal
structural space and external relational space), cannot exist. Thus, <ÇIÉ must refer to
the beginning of creation, before which, xÉɺÉnùҪɺÉÚHò says, it was +´ÉÉiÉ – devoid of ´ÉÉiÉ – motion. Intermediate
space (+¨ÉÞiÉÉEòɶÉ)
is called %ªÉÆ ¨ÉvªÉä|ÉÉhÉ& B¹É
B´Éäxpù& - ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ 6/1/1/2), confined space (¨ÉkªÉÉÇEòɶÉ), is
called ´ÉÉEò or (iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 2/8/8/4).
The word ´ÉÉEÂò
has been interpreted by ¶ÉÉRÂóJªÉɪÉxÉ
¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ to mean all perceivable objects, as we express these even in
our thought only through speech form. Hence Kanaada (EòhÉÉnù) says – “ºÉÆYÉÉEò¨ÉÇi´Éº¨ÉÊuùʶɹ]õÉxÉÉÆ Ê±ÉRÂóMɨÉ and
ºÉÆYÉÉEò¨ÉÇhÉ&*”. The all pervading energy (+¨ÉÞiÉ|ÉÉhÉ) is called |ÉÉhÉ, and the confined
energy (¨ÉkªÉÇ|ÉÉhÉ)
is called ´ÉÉiÉ or
´ÉɪÉÖ&. Since
energy - ´ÉɪÉÖ&
- can move objects from its position (´ÉÉ MÉÊiÉ MÉxvÉxɪÉÉä&- MÉxvÉ +nÇùxÉä), ¤ÉÞ½þqäù´ÉiÉÉ says:“BäxpùºiÉÖ ¨ÉxjÉÉä
´ÉɪɴÉè̱ÉRÂóMÉè®èúxpù¶SÉ ±ÉIÉiÉä* xÉɨÉvÉäªÉè¶SÉ ´ÉXɺªÉ ¤É±ÉEÞòiªÉÉ ¤É±ÉäxÉ
The xÉ ´ªÉÉä¨É and +´ÉÉiÉ in xÉɺÉnùҪɺÉÚHò doesn’t
imply absence of free space -
(xÉäxpùÉoùiÉä {É´ÉiÉä
vÉÉ¨É ÊEò\SÉxÉ - @ñEÂò 9/69/6) - or free energy - |ÉÉhÉ, but only absence
of confined space - ´ÉÉEòÂ
and confined energy - ´ÉɪÉÖ
(VÉè:={É:¥ÉÉ – 1/2/91). Without
confinement, there cannot be any objects (hence interval between them, which is
called space through alternative symbolism - +ÉEòɶɨÉä´É Eäò¹ÉÉÎ\SÉiÉ näù¶É¦Éänù
|ÉEò±{ÉxÉÉiÉÂ*). Yet, it does not rule out free space, as it is the base
or ground for everything (+ÉvÉÉ®ú¶ÉÎCiÉ |ÉlɨÉÉ ºÉ´ÉǺÉƪÉÉäÊMÉxÉÉÆ
¨ÉiÉÉ*). Without objects, there cannot be time, which is perceived
through action in them (EòɱÉÉiÉÂ
ÊGòªÉÉ Ê´É¦ÉVªÉxiÉä +ÉEòɶÉÉiÉ ºÉ´ÉǨÉÚkÉǪÉ&*). Thus, energy - |ÉÉhÉ&, must have
been in its potential form. Free energy - |ÉÉhÉ& in its potential form is known as
force - ¤É±É.
Hence <ÇIÉiÉ
must refer to the first descriptive force (ÊnùMnäù¶ÉEòÉ±É {ÉÊ®úÊUôzÉ ¦ÉÉÊiÉʺÉrù ¤É±É),
which cuts off or confines a portion from the non-descriptive expanse (ÊnùMnäù¶ÉEòÉ±É +{ÉÊ®úÊUôzÉ
+xÉxiÉ ºÉkÉÉʺÉrù ®úºÉ - ®úºÉÉä ´Éè
ºÉ& - iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ={ÉÊxɹÉn 2-7) for observation by ¥ÉÀ, like a person
looking at his hand or leg. It existed all along, but only now the person puts
more attention to that body part – hence <ÇIÉiÉ. Such observation of confined dimensionality
is a form of measurement. Because of this measuring process, this ¤É±É is known as ¨ÉɪÉÉ (¨ÉÉRÂó ¨ÉÉxÉä -
ʨÉxÉÉÊiÉ ªÉÉ ºÉÉ - ¨ÉÒªÉiÉä +xɪÉÉ ºÉÉ - ¨ÉɪÉÉ- ºÉÒʨÉiÉ ´ÉºiÉÖiÉk´É).
It is the first of the 15 ¤É±É´ªÉÖ½þ
that are part of +Ê´ÉtÉ.
The 16th is Ê´ÉtÉ
- +Ê´ÉtªÉÉ (Eò¨ÉÇÊhÉ) ¨ÉÞiªÉÖÆ iÉÒk´ÉÉÇ Ê´ÉtªÉÉ (YÉÉxÉäxÉ) +¨ÉÞiɨɶxÉÖiÉä
(<ǶÉÉä{ÉÊxɹÉiÉÂ)ä. The total is ¹ÉÉäb÷¶ÉÒ +IÉ®.
Once the force -
¤É±É - known as ¨ÉɪÉÉ¤É±É operates,
the fundamental force (¶ÉÊHò
- the second of the ¹É]ÂõËjɶÉiÉÂ
iÉk´ÉÉÊxÉ) is confined over an area. This creates stress fields that
lead to the formation of the Universe. A part of {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ confined by Maya is |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ. It is
the basic substratum or ground or field that remains non-interacting background
structure (¥ÉÀ ´Éè
ºÉ´ÉǺªÉ |ÉÊiɹ`öÉ). The remaining part is divided into various
components because of the bow-shock effect generated by Maya before it comes to
a halt at a boundary called xÉèʨɹÉÉ®úhªÉ
(xÉèÊ¨É¹É because,
the xÉä欃 of vɨÉÇSÉGò becomes exhaust
- xÉÒʹÉhÉÇ there, and +®úhªÉ because, it is
one only - a collection is called OÉÉ¨É and its opposite is +®úhªÉ). The word +®úhªÉ also implies existence of other
not-inter-connected Universes (not Multiverses).
When a boat
moves on the surface of a lake at a greater velocity than the velocity of the
flowing water, it generates friction, which slows down the boat. This is called
the bow-shock effect. If no other force (like continuous running of the engine)
is applied, then the boat will have gradually reduced relative velocity with
reference to the flow of water till it becomes zero (though the boat may still
be moving with water). In front of the boat, water separates out in
semi-elliptic paths to merge again in the back. Water has the unique property
of expanding both when cooled and heated. Though it consists of oxygen and
hydrogen, it behaves differently from both. The water (®úºÉ in creation event) and the force (¤É±É) combine in
different proportions, which leads to increasing magnitude of force (¤É±É) combining with
reduced volumes (increasing density) of water (®úºÉ) over same area generating other emergent forces.
Here force (¤É±É)
is |Éʴɹ]õ¥ÉÀ and
the super-fluid water (®úºÉ)
ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ. These can
also be called the primordial stress and impedance.
The density
division makes a fourfold (SÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉÆ
´ÉÉ ) medium (+¨¦ÉÉä¨É®úÒSÉÒ¨ÉÇ®ú¨ÉÉ{ÉÉä - BäiÉ®äúªÉÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnù 1/1).
Thus, the Vedas say: {ÉÉnùÉä%ºªÉ Ê´É·ÉɦÉÚiÉÉÊxÉ
ÊjÉ{ÉÉnùºªÉɨÉÞiÉÆ ÊnùÊ´É and ÊjÉ{ÉÉnÚùnÂùv´ÉÇ =nèùi{ÉÖ¯û¹É& {ÉÉnùÉä%ºªÉä½þÉ%%¦É´Éi{ÉÖxÉ&, etc. Further xÉɺÉnùҪɺÉÚHò says: +¨¦É& ÊEò¨ÉɺÉÒnÂùMɽþxÉÆ
MɦÉÒ®ú¨ÉÂ*. Though it is in the form of a question, it is well known
that the question, interpreted differently, is also the answer in the Vedas.
For example, the answer to the question “Eòº¨Éè” näù´ÉÉªÉ ½þʴɹÉÉ Ê´ÉvÉä¨É is “Eò-º¨Éè”, where Eò means |ÉVÉÉ{ÉÊiÉ&. The
smooth and persistent super-fluid medium is the background structure (dark
energy would be a misnomer, as energy is always perceived indirectly only
through its interactions, but background structures do not interact). The first
two parts - (+¨¦ÉÉä¨É®úÒSÉÒ&)
consisting of 70%, (the four {ÉÉnÉ& are in the ratio
of 4+3+2+1=10 - +iªÉÊiɹ`öqù¶ÉÉRÂóMÉֱɨÉÂ)
are non-interacting. The rest 30% consist of both luminous (º´ÉVªÉÉäÊiÉ and {É®úVªÉÉäÊiÉ) and the
so called dark (°ü{ÉVªÉÉäÊiÉ
and +VªÉÉäÊiÉ) matter.
Of this, luminous matter is only one {ÉÉn, i.e., 10%. If we consider {É®ú¨¥ÉÀ (iÉnùÉ pù¹]Öõ& º´É°ü{Éä%´ÉºlÉÉxɨÉÂ) then this
figure will be halved.
The fundamental
energy (¨ÉÖJªÉ|ÉÉhÉ)
acts independent of all factors (+xÉ{ÉäIÉEò¨ÉÇEòÉ®úÒ). The universal gravitation as
explained in Vedas is its example (explained below). Whenever ¨ÉÖJªÉ|ÉÉhÉ (gravity) faces
obstacles (differential density), it creates a confined form ({ÉÖ®ú) by creating stress
fields, which increases the temperature (+ÎMxÉ&). This creates a low pressure area
and cooling effect (ºÉÉä¨É)
around it creating division in the density gradient (+lÉ ªÉÉä MɦÉÉæ%xiÉ®úɺÉÒiÉ ºÉÉä%ÎMxÉ®úºÉÞVªÉiÉ- ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ6/1/1/10-11). Where both +ÎMxÉ& and ºÉÉä¨É balance each
other, the inner space becomes embedded
like sand dunes (ªÉlÉÉÎMxÉMɦÉÉÇ
{ÉÞÊlÉ´ÉÒ - ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ 14/7/5/20). Hence ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 10/2/7/3 says +ÎMxÉ®äú´É {ÉÖ®ú&*.
The forces that regulate planetary and galactic orbits (+ɴɽþÉÊnù ºÉ{iÉ´ÉɪɴÉ&) are also examples.
Confined ´ÉɪÉÖ
cannot function independently, but must depend on the constraints put by the
confinement (+{ÉäIÉÉEò¨ÉÇEòÉ®úÒ).
Since derivatives of ¨ÉɪÉÉ
generate and regulate all universal forces, ¨ÉɪÉÉ is said to regulate all.
Combination of and |ÉÉhÉ& leads to
formation of elementary quantum particles (näù´ÉºÉÞι]õ). Combination of ´ÉÉEò and ´ÉɪÉÖ& leads to
formation of material particles (¦ÉÚiɺÉÞι]õ). This has been described by ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 10/2/7/1-2
as “+ªÉÆ ´ÉÉ´É ªÉVÉÖªÉÉæ%ªÉÆ {É´ÉiÉä* B¹É ʽþ
ªÉzÉä´ÉänùM´ÉÆ ºÉ´ÉÈ VÉxɪÉiÉäiÉÆ ªÉxiÉÉʨÉnù¨ÉxÉÖ |ÉVÉɪÉiÉä iɺ¨ÉÉuùɪÉÖ®äú´É
ªÉVÉÖ&* +ªÉ¨Éä´ÉÉEòɶÉÉä VÉÚ&* ªÉÊnùnù¨ÉxiÉÊ®úIɨÉäiÉM´ÉÆ
iɺ¨ÉɪÉVÉÖ®äú¹É% B´É ªÉnäù¹É ÁäÊiÉ
iÉnäùiÉtVÉÖ®Âú@ñCºÉɨɪÉÉä& |ÉÊiÉι`öiɨÉÞCºÉɨÉä ´´É½þiÉ&..*”. The
Universe is called VÉMÉiÉÂ
because everything in it is ever moving (MÉSUôiÉÒÊiÉ). Thus, action (Eò¨ÉÇ) is the essence
of the Universe. Actions are of two types: automated perpetual action (Gòi´ÉlÉÇ Eò¨ÉÇ), such
as the evolution of elementary particles that generates a fixed inertia, and directed
composite action (efforts - {ÉÖ¯û¹ÉÉlÉÇ
Eò¨ÉÇ) that generates differential inertia, depending upon the nature of
the action inducing such inertia.
Whenever individual
actions (|ÉGò¨É) are
grouped (+ʦÉGò¨É)
with a view to get desired results (+{ÉäIÉɤÉÖÊrùEÞòiÉ Eò¨ÉÇ), it generates an induced inertia (Eò¨ÉÇ´ªÉÖ½þ) that
changes the nature of time evolution. In automated action (={ÉäIÉɤÉÖÊrùEÞòiÉ Eò¨ÉÇ)
like those of quarks, atoms and galaxies, etc, they evolve in time deterministically. Our sense organs
and measuring instruments have ability to report time evolution only in a
limited way. We may observe the building up of a storm, but we will not be able
to link it to the flapping of the wings of a butterfly thousands of kilometers
away, whose chain reaction led to the storm. This introduces uncertainty in our
readings. The inertia generated in {ÉÖ¯û¹ÉÉlÉÇ Eò¨ÉÇ with their free-will (¨ÉÉxÉÖ¹É) changes the
nature of perpetual time evolution. They are bound (¤ÉrVÉÒ´É) by the induced reaction till this
inertia ceases and they come over to the automated time evolution (ÊxÉ&¸ÉäªÉºÉ). All
free species (¨ÉÖHòVÉÒ´É)
are called perpetually evolutionary species (+É·ÉÎilÉEòVÉÒ´É). These species have two
divisions: fixed evolutionary (¥ÉÀ
+É·ÉÎilÉEòVÉÒ´É) or specified evolutionary (ÊxɪÉiÉEò¨ÉÇ +É·ÉÎilÉEòVÉÒ´É). The first
category is inert like galaxy, Sun, Earth, Moon, etc (¦ÉÚiɺÉÞι]õ), which have fixed orbital positions
(|ÉÊiɹ`öÉ). The
other category is conscious like Brahmaa (¥ÉÀÉ), Vishnu, Indra, Agni, Soma, etc., who do
not have a fixed position and are in perpetual motion (näù´ÉºÉÞι]õ). Thus, there is no fixed
position in the quantum world. Brahma (¥ÉÀ) is conscious and is different because,
being omnipresent and eternal, it does not move or transform in time.
This view is
further confirmed from a reading of the rest of ¥ÉÀºÉÚjɨÉ 1/1/5: <ÇIÉiÉäxÉÉǶɴnù¨ÉÂ*.
The word +¶É´nù¨ÉÂ
has been interpreted as absence of scriptural authority (¶É´nù|ɨÉÉhÉ) in
support of attributing Nature (VÉb
÷|ÉEÞòÊiÉ) the ability of <ÇIÉhÉ, which is a conscious function. Then, either the
word xÉ or + is superfluous. The general
interpretation could be obtained without either of these. Also ¶É´nù¨É – sound, is
not the same as ¶É´nù|ɨÉÉhÉ
– transferred perception from an authoritative source without direct
interaction with the object. There is a simpler explanation for the use of the
word xÉɶɴnù¨ÉÂ.
@ñM´Éänù& 6/69/8 refers
to jÉävÉÉ ºÉ½þ»É¨ÉÂ,
which BäiÉ®äúªÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ
interprets as “<¨Éä
´ÉänùÉ& <¨Éä ±ÉÉäEòÉ& +lÉ ´ÉÉMÉäÊiÉ ´ÉÞªÉÉiÉ”. ´ÉÉEÂò is different
from ¶É¤nù&.
The describable is called ´ÉÉEÂò,
which combines the object and the cognizable concept associated with it
(nomenclature based on its properties) expressed in speech form (sound or
language), though we do not discern these divisions. Staying put or moving out are different functions that require force – here
¨ÉɪÉÉ. Starting from the object of <ÇIÉhÉ by ¥ÉÀ that generates the derivatives
of ¨ÉɪÉÉ, evolution
of ´ÉÉEÂò has
been divided into two categories depending on its nature of coupling with
adjacent space. If it passes on momentum only without physically moving out (ºÉÉ訪ÉÉ ´ÉÉEÂò) as in
a wave, it is called vibration (Eò¨{É).
If it actually moves out to couple with the next position in space continuously
(+ÉMxÉäªÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò),
it is called virtual pair production (ÊSÉÊiÉ).
The former is
called ºÉ®úº´ÉiÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò
(the medium in which it operates is called ºÉ®úº´ÉÉxÉÂ) which generates speech form (+EòÉ®úÉÊnù ½þEòÉ®úÉxiÉ
¶É´nù&). The later is called +ɨ¦ÉÞhÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò (@ñM´Éänù 10/125) and is responsible for
material creation (the medium is called ºÉ¨ÉÖpù+hÉÇ´É - the intermediate medium is
called xɦɺ´ÉÉxÉÂ).
The particulate matter is compiled from this ºÉ¨ÉÖpù+hÉÇ´É by ´É®úɽþ (´ÉÞhÉÖiÉä <ÊiÉ ´É®ú&* +¼xÉÉäiÉÒÊiÉ
+½þ&* ´É®ú¶SÉɺÉÉè +½þ¶SÉèÊiÉ ´É®úɽþ& by creating stress
fields. There are five types of ´É®úɽþ&.
The ´É®úɽþ&
that compiles solids ({ÉÞl´ÉÒÊ{Éhb÷),
is called B¨ÉÚ¹É
´É®úɽþ&*. Thus, ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ
says: iÉÉÆ
(|ÉÉnäù¶É¨ÉÉjÉÓ {ÉÞÊlÉ´ÉÓ) B¨ÉÚ¹É <ÊiÉ ´É®úɽþ =VVÉvÉÉxÉ* ºÉÉ亪ÉÉ&
{ÉÊiÉ& |ÉVÉÉ{ÉÊiÉ&*. Along with such compilation of the material
universe due to ÊSÉÊiÉ
through the mechanism of ¦ÉÚÊiÉ&,
ªÉYÉ&, ºÉÚjɨÉÂ, ºÉiªÉ¨ÉÂ, (explained later), it leads to ªÉIɨÉ that creates
galaxies and stars (ªÉVÉÖ&
13/30 and ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ
4/5/1 and 14/8/6).
This has been confirmed by a National Radio Astronomy Observatory press release
dated 24-08-2014, which reports latest findings indicating that rocky planets
like Earth start out as microscopic bits of dust tinier than a grain of sand,
which turn to filaments or streams of material that condense in-situ within the
cool, slow moving zones of the nebula. Instead of the usual microscopic dust
particles mixed in with molecular gas, there are ‘pebbles’ as large as a
centimeter across, that are more efficient at radiating away their thermal
energy in the form of millimeter radio waves. This conforms the Vedic theory. The
evolution of sound due to Eò¨{É
also continues in tandem because displacement of particles as the universe
evolves, causes vibration. Hence ¨ÉèjÉɪÉhÉÒ ={ÉÊxɹÉiÉÂù says: uäù ´ÉÉ´É ¥ÉÀhÉÉä °ü{Éä ¶É´nù¥ÉÀ {É®Æú SÉ ªÉiÉÂ*.
The Vedic theory of sound - ¶É¤nù&
- is being discussed.
¶É¤nù& Ê´ÉYÉÉxɨÉÂ.
While the
primordial state (´ÉÉEÂò
ºÉ¨ÉÖpù) is smooth and persistent; according to the definition: ¶É{ɨÉ +ÉGòÉä¶ÉÆ nùnùÉÊiÉ
<ÊiÉ ¶É´nù&, sound is
violent. Unless the energy pushes the medium continuously in multifarious ways
so that a wave is generated and travels to hit our ears, there can be no sound.
Vedic theory of
sound as given in xÉɨÉÉlÉÇEò±{ɺÉÚjÉ
iɺ¨ÉÉiÉ ºÉÉRÂóEäòÊiÉEòÉ& º¨ÉÞiÉÉ& * iÉjÉ
¶ÉEòÉ®ú Ê´ÉxnÖù ¤ÉEòÉ®ú ´ÉÉiÉ nùEòÉ®ú +ÎMxÉ& ʴɺÉMÉǶSÉÉEòɶÉ.
gives the equation for sound in a mathematical format as: ¶É + ¤É + nù + #& D ¶É¤nù&,
where ¶É represents Ê´ÉxnÖù – the central equilibrium
point or ground from where the sound originates and which is the basis of ¾þnùªÉ¨É (explained later),
¤É represents ´ÉÉiÉ - the equivalent of gravitational
force, nù
represents +ÎMxÉ
– the first pereivable force of Nature. In the primordial form it can be
equated with gluons of modern physics. As its third derivative (to be explained
later), it is equivalent to the electric part of electromagnetic medium. The “&” represents +¨¤É®ú – the space. Vedic equations are
called ºÉÉRÂóEäòÊiÉEòÉ&.
The left hand side of the equation is the cause representing free-will and the
right hand side of the equation is the deterministic effect. Variation of the
left hand side parameters due to free-will will produce different deterministic
sound frequencies.
According to Kanaada
(EòhÉÉnù), sound is that which
is perceived through sensory receptacles of ears (¸ÉÉäjÉOɽþhÉÉä ªÉÉä%lÉÇ& ºÉ ¶É´nù&) and is generated due to coupling (ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ - +|ÉÉ{iɪÉÉäºiÉÖ ªÉÉ |ÉÉÎ{iÉ -
|ÉÉÎ{iÉ means +ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉɪÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉxÉɨÉÂ),
or separation (ʴɦÉÉMÉ)
of objects or due to inertia generated by sound itself (ºÉƪÉÉäMÉÉÊuù¦ÉÉMÉÉSSÉ ¶É´nùÉSSÉ ¶É´nùÊxɹ{ÉÊkÉ).
The point of such contact or division is the point of origin (|ɦɴÉ) of sound. Since
a point has existence only and no dimensions, it has no physical presence (¶ÉÚxªÉÉEòÉ®úÉnÂù
ʴɺÉMÉÉÇxiÉÉnÂù Ê´ÉxnùÉä& |ɺ{ÉxnùºÉΨ´Énù&*). EòhÉÉnù classifies sound as
an action sequence (MÉÖhɺªÉ
ºÉiÉÉä%{É´ÉMÉÇ& Eò¨ÉÇʦÉ&
ºÉÉvɨªÉǨÉÂ), because all action sequences have limited existence.
Action starts with the application of force to move something from its position
to the space beyond (ÊGòªÉÉ-ÊGòªÉÉiÉÉä
ʴɦÉÉMÉ&-ʴɦÉÉMÉÉiÉ {ÉÚ´ÉǺÉƪÉÉäMÉ xÉɶÉ&-iÉiÉÉä =kÉ®úºÉƪÉÉäMÉ&).
Then action ceases and inertia (ºÉƺEòÉ®)
takes over. Such forces can only be electric forces - +ÎMxÉ&
(magnetic forces consolidate - also +{ÉÉÆ ºÉRÂóPÉÉiÉÉä ʴɱɪÉxÉÆ SÉ iÉäVɺÉƪÉÉäMÉÉiÉÂ)
and gravitational force (´ÉÉiÉ)
that is ever present. Thus, +ÎMxÉ& and ´ÉÉiÉ are necessary conditions (|ÉÊiɹ`öÉ) for generation of sound.
Finally, sound wave travels in space while the objects from which sound is
generated retain their position. EòhÉÉnù
has shown that sound is a property of displaced space - {ÉÊ®ú¶Éä¹Éα±ÉRÂóMɨÉÉEòɶɺªÉ*. Thus,
space is the final resting place ({É®úɪÉhÉ) of sound.
Since Ê´ÉxnÖù and +¨¤É®ú are non-interacting, total types of
sound frequencies can be [8 +ÎMxÉ& (+ÎMxÉ&, VÉÉiÉ´ÉänùÉ&, ºÉ½þÉäVÉÉ, +ÊVÉ®úÉ|ɦÉ&Ö,
´Éè·ÉÉxÉ®ú&, xɪÉÉÇ{ÉÉ&, {ÉÎRÂóHò®úÉvÉÉ&, ʴɺÉÌ{É.) + 11 ´ÉÉiÉ (|ɧÉÉVɨÉÉxÉÉ,
´ªÉ´ÉnùÉiÉÉ&, ´ÉɺÉÖÊEò´ÉènÖùiÉÉ&, ®úVÉiÉÉ&, {ɯû¹ÉÉ&,
¶ªÉɨÉÉ&, EòÊ{ɱÉÉ, +ÊiɱÉÉäʽþiÉÉ&, >ðv´ÉÉÆ, +´É{ÉiÉxiÉÉ&,
´ÉètÖiÉ)] x 16 Eò±ÉÉ = 304, out of which only 12 are in the
human audible range. vÉÖÎhb÷xÉÉlÉ
in ºÉ´ÉǶɤnùÊxɤÉxvÉxÉ,
gives their names as follows: SÉiÉÖ¯ûkÉ®úÊjɶÉiɶɴnùÉxÉÉÆ
xÉɨÉÊxÉhÉǪÉ&* xxx
º¡òÉä]õÉä ®ú´ÉÉäiªÉxiɺÉÚI¨ÉÉä
¨ÉxnùÉäÊiɨÉxnùEò&* +ÊiÉiÉÒµÉÉä iÉÒµÉiÉ®úÉä ¨ÉvªÉ¶SÉÉÊiɨÉvªÉ¨É*
¨É½þÉ®ú´ÉÉä vÉxÉ®ú´ÉÉä ¨É½þÉvÉxÉ®ú´ÉºiÉlÉÉ*.
Scientists will
question this by pointing out that based on its intensity; there can be
infinite types of sound frequencies/waves. How can these be restricted to 304
types? The answer is: these are different types of perceived sounds (not
frequencies) like types of perceived colors (and not wave lengths of light).
Even though the wavelength of light vary vastly from gamma rays to radio waves,
the “visible light” corresponds to wavelength range of about 400 - 700 nm with
the 7 colors - VIBGYOR range: violet from 400 to about 445, indigo at about
445, blue at about 475, green at about 510, yellow at about 570, orange at
about 590, and red at about 650 to 700 nm. The colors are not specific
wavelengths but are spread out over a range. All wavelength of light within
that range is called one color. The same principle applies to sound also.
A sound wave is the
perturbations of density, pressure and velocity, where sites of maximum density
alternate with sites of minimum density to generate and propagate the
vibrations. They are distributed periodically and propagate in the medium with
the velocity of sound (like velocity of light). The wavelength is a weak
perturbation, where the relative values of the density amplitude (i.e., the
greatest value of density, divided by the average density of the medium) is
small as compared to unity. If we take a sound wave of large amplitude, the
pressure and temperature in the maxima of density prove to be noticeably
greater than their average values. The velocity of sound at these maxima is
also greater. Due to this reason, the crests of the wave propagate in the
environment faster than the wave as a whole. Similarly, the velocity of sound
at the minima of density is less than the average velocity. Hence the troughs
move slower than the whole wave and the crests tend to overtake the troughs.
When a crest gets closer to a trough, the layer of the density drop becomes
narrower and the wave front becomes steeper. If the crest could catch up and
overtake the trough, the wave front would turn over like those in the sea. This
is what we call a distinctive group of sound like the distinctive colors (VIBGYOR)
for light.
Scientists will
question the concept of 8 types of +ÎMxÉ& and 11
types of ´ÉÉiÉ.
The 8 categories of +ÎMxÉ&
arise inside a confined space. Since it is first (+ÊOÉ) among perceivables, it is called +ÎMxÉ&. These 8
types of +ÎMxÉ& can be thought of as the 8 gluons in modern
science. Again scientists will question this, as the electro part of the
electromagnetic medium has been described as its third derivative, but gluons do not interact electromagnetically. At
RHIC in USA, particle colliders smash two
beams of protons so that the gluon from one proton can interact with the charged
quarks in another via the strong force, which shows that gluons can interact
through strong interaction. According to Vedic physics, it leads to
electromagnetic interaction also.
Vedic science
recognizes only two types of fields: micro or the macro and micro (ºlÉÖ±É-ºÉÚI¨É ʴɦÉÉMÉäxÉ
ÊuùvÉÉ IÉäjɨɴÉκlÉiɨÉÂ). The confined objects are also of two types:
macro or classical – those that are directly perceived through our sense organs
(´ªÉHò or ¨ÉiªÉÇ) and quantum –
those that cannot be observed directly, but has to be inferred from its
interactions (+´ªÉHò
or +¨ÉÞiÉ). The
micro can be called quantum, though we consider even macro objects as quantized
through numbers. For example, protons and neutrons, though consists of
different quarks and leptons with the help of neutrinos (thus not strictly digitized
or quantized), are considered quantum particles in modern physics, which is
possible only if the Vedic definition is accepted. The stars and galaxies
contain both types of particles (+¨ÉÞiÉÆ ¨ÉiªÉÇ\SÉ).
In Vedic
sciences, two types of non-interacting space are considered – free space (´ÉÉÁÉEòɶÉ) and
confined space (nù½þ®úÉEòɶÉ)
in addition to the active space between bodies like Earth and the outer space
like our atmosphere (+xiÉÊ®úIÉ
-iɪÉÉè̴ɪÉiɪÉÉäªÉÉæ%xiÉ®äúhÉÉEòÉ¶É +ɺÉÒiÉÂ
iÉnùxiÉÊ®úIɨɦɴÉiÉ - ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ-7/1/2/23), which is full of
energy, but is different from space. Different forces can coexist (ºÉ½þɴɺlÉÉxÉ) in a
medium without coupling (OÉÎxlɤÉxvÉxÉ
ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ). There can be different media coexisting in a field (´ÉºÉÖvÉÉxÉEòÉä¹É). In
any medium, only similar forces couple linearly. The forces are described
according to their mode of propagation - through conduction (ÊxɦÉÖÇVÉ), radiation (|ÉiÉÞhhÉÇ) or convection
The media that determine the nature of such propagation are described as {ÉÞl´ÉÒ, tÉè& and +xiÉÊ®úIÉ respectively.
These can be equated with the color charges in particle physics, because they
are associated with the density of different media and regulate their interactions.
Since even in
the same medium there can be variations (iÉɺÉÉʨɪÉÆ Ê´É¦ÉÚÊiÉ̽þ xÉɨÉÉÊxÉ ªÉnùxÉäEò¶É&),
they are described in different names (iÉäxÉä¨ÉÉè SÉGòiÉÖ& Eò¨ÉÇ ºÉxÉɨÉÉxÉÉè {ÉÞlÉEÂò
{ÉÞlÉEÂò*). Further, in different media also, they can be described by a
common name depending on their nature of propagation (iÉäxÉä¨ÉÉè iÉÖ±ªÉxÉɨÉÉxÉÉè =¦ÉÉè ±ÉÉäEòÉè
ºÉ¨ÉÉ{xÉÖiÉ&). Since gluons are high energy states and act within a confining
medium, they are also a form of +ÎMxÉ&.
The 8 +ÎMxÉ& have
earlier been described as the electric part of e.m medium (not field as
generally called) because of their similarities in heating properties or high
energy propagated through convection - a property shared both by gluons and
electric energy. Let us now derive the number 8 by trying to produce protons
from the Vedic color charges as explained above. According to “ÊiÉ®ú¶SÉÒxÉÉä Ê´ÉiÉiÉÉä
®úζ¨É®äú¹ÉÉ ¨ÉvÉ&κ´ÉnùɺÉÒ3nÖù{ÉÊ®ú
κ´ÉnùɺÉÒ3iÉ”- @ñM´Éän&
10/129/5, the forces move in slanted paths in up and down directions.
This has been described as “´ÉɨÉnùÊIÉhɦÉÉMÉɦªÉÉÆ
iÉnùÉ näù´ÉºªÉ ¶ÉÉÐRÂóMÉhÉ&* ´ÉɨÉnäù´É¨É½þÉnäù´ÉÉè|ÉÉnÖù®úɺiÉÉÆ
º´ÉªÉÆ|ɦÉÚ*”. In modern science, it is called spin.
The 8 types of +ÎMxÉ& are also
called +¹]õ ´ÉºÉÖ and can be explained by the Vedic
principle of SÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉÆ
´ÉÉ and iÉÆ ªÉiÉ SÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉÉ
näù´ÉÉ& SÉiÉÖ̦É& ºiÉÉä¨Éè®úºiÉÖ´Éƺiɺ¨ÉÉSSÉiÉÖºiÉÉä¨É&, which are arranged in four groups or ´ÉMÉÇ. The first of the ´ÉMÉÇ is known as the ´ÉÉ°ühÉÒ ´ÉMÉÇ. These provide the
variety of the material creation. The complementary charge components of this
group are known as the EÚò¨ÉÇ and
EòɶªÉ{ÉÒ ¶ÉÊHò
respectively. The second of the ´ÉMÉÇ is known as the +ƶÉÖ ´ÉMÉÇ. The
complementary charge components of this group are known as the ¨ÉÉiÉÇhb÷ and
respectively. They provide the main mass. The third of the ´ÉMÉÇ is known as the +ÊnùÊiÉ ´ÉMÉÇ. The complementary charge
components of this group are known as the +ÉÊnùiªÉ and xÉIÉjÉ ¶ÉÊHò respectively. These are the evolutionary
components. The fourth of the ´ÉMÉÇ is known as the wÉÖ´É ´ÉMÉÇ, which
provides spin to the particles. The complementary charge components of this
group are known as the and
´ÉÉb÷´É ¶ÉÊHò
respectively. These four groups influence the stability of the atom to galaxies
by generating the characteristics known as the four sets of quantum numbers in
modern physics.
They act to
create a state called +xiɪÉÉǨÉ,
which is the same as the strong interaction. This is described as the
proximity-proximity variable (ÊSÉÊiÉ)
between the two interacting particles. The others are ´ÉʽþªÉÉÇ¨É - proximity-distance variable
[moving neutrino-antineutrinos (xÉɺÉiªÉÉè-nù»ÉÉè)
from one to the other, which induces the n-p chain part in weak interaction], ={ɪÉɨÉ
(distance-proximity variable) which is the electromagnetic interaction (Ê´ÉtÖiÉÂ - flowing from
high density to low density) and ªÉÉiɪÉÉ¨É (distance-distance variable), which is the beta
decay (|É´ÉMªÉÇ -
moving out from one permanently). Modern science combines ´ÉʽþªÉÉÇ¨É and ªÉÉiɪÉÉ¨É into the
weak force. These four forces can be seen in every stable particle above three
quark (ÊjÉ´ÉÞiÉÂ)
=tÉ¨É is the
gravitational interaction, which is the primary force of creation with which
the other forces interact to bring them to an equilibrium position like the
orbits of planets or electrons by introducing a constant. It is independent of
the other forces and acts uniformly on all particles, but its effect is
perceived differently depending on the mass and distance of two objects - mass
because; equal force induces different momentum on bodies of different masses
and distance because; changes to the local density gradients of the medium
induced by different objects differ and differently affect each other based on
their distance also. The gravitational constant G is called =¯ûMÉÉªÉ |ÉÊiɹ`öÉ.
This also creates different structures. The theory is in @ñM´Éän& 1/164/6, 15.
Forces are
required for both motion (|Éä®úhÉ)
and structure formation (´ªÉÖ½þxÉ).
Motion is unidirectional (unless other forces interfere) and depends on the local
density of the medium, i.e., external factors. Structure formation depends on
the balancing of forces within the body from opposing directions. The forces affect
the bodies in five ways (+ɺEòÎxnùiÉÆ
PÉÉäÊ®úiÉEÆò ®äúÊSÉiÉÆ ´ÉʱÉiÉÆ {±ÉÖiɨÉÂ) in five different
relationships. +xiɪÉÉǨÉ
confines the quarks while permitting conversion of up quark and down quarks
continuously (ÊxÉiªÉMÉÊiÉ).
generates the n-p chain (ºÉ¨|ɺÉÉnùMÉÊiÉ)
to bring stability to atoms (no need for inventing the concept of binding
energy as is done in modern physics). ={ɪÉÉ¨É tends to bring stability by flowing from high
density to low density and helping in formation of higher atoms (ªÉYÉMÉÊiÉ). ªÉÉiɪÉÉ¨É generates
the three types (ÊjÉ´ÉÞiÉÂ)
of emissions (ºÉɨ{É®úɪÉ
MÉÊiÉ): α-emissions, β-emiassions, and γ-emissions, which are related to
different energy levels (®úVɺiɨÉÉ䦪ÉÉÆ
ªÉÖHòºªÉ ºÉƪÉÉäMÉÉä%ªÉ¨ÉxÉxiÉ´ÉÉxÉÂ* iÉɦªÉÉÆ
ÊxÉ®úÉEÞòiÉɦªÉɺiÉÖ ºÉk´É¤ÉÖnÂùvªÉÉ ÊxÉ´ÉiÉÇiÉää).
These are called as +ɪÉÖ,
MÉÉè and VªÉÉäÊiÉ in the Vedic theory. The theory
is described in ªÉVÉÖ´ÉäÇn& ´ÉÉVɺÉxÉäªÉÒ ºÉÆʽþiÉÉ 1/8 - vÉÚ®ú漃 vÉÚ´ÉÇ vÉÚ´ÉÇxiɨÉÂ. We will
separately discuss this. When these 5 forces interact, they become 11 types of
interaction (2l + 1, l = 5) called the 11 ´ÉÉiÉ. Their effects
are described as equivalent to: “{É®úÉ´ÉÞkɨÉ{ÉÉ´ÉÞkÉÆ MÉÞ½þÒiÉÆ ±ÉPÉÖºÉÆÊYÉiɨÉÂ*
>ðnÂùv´ÉÉÇÎiIÉ|ɨÉvÉ&ÊIÉ{iÉÆ ºÉxvÉÉÊ®úiÉ Ê´ÉvÉÉÊ®úiɨÉÂ* ¶ªÉäxÉ{ÉÉiÉÆ
When the big
bang (we prefer the big bounce of quantum gravity, though differently) occurs
due to ºÉƺEòÉ®ú¶Éä¹É
(to be explained later), the rebounding forces in the vast expanse confined
within xÉèʨɹÉÉ®úhªÉ
interact moving from the center to the periphery (MÉÊiÉ) and back (+ÉMÉÊiÉ). Where they neutralize each other, it
becomes the equilibrium point (κlÉÊiÉ).
The primordial equilibrium point (κlÉÊiÉ) is called ¥ÉÀÉ (¥ÉÀ ´Éè ºÉ´ÉǺªÉ |ÉlɨÉVÉÆ* ¥ÉÀ ´Éè ºÉ´ÉǺªÉ |ÉÊiɹ`öÉ*
¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 6/1/1/6-7). The same principle works at all levels and
is called the center of mass around which every created object rests. Hence IT
has been designated as the Creator. The inward moving force from the periphery
to the center (+ÉMÉÊiÉ)
is called ʴɹhÉÖ&,
as IT pervades everything (ʴɹ±ÉÞ
´ªÉÉ{iÉÉè). Because IT consolidates (+ɽþ®úhÉ vɨÉÉÇ), IT is called the provider for
sustenance (κlÉÊiÉ)
during creation. The force moving outward (MÉÊiÉ) from the center to the periphery (Ê´ÉIÉä{ÉhÉ vɨÉÉÇ) creating
free space is called ,
because we can enjoy () anything only when we conjoin it through our
respective sense organs (<ÎxpùªÉ)
harmoniously (¦ÉÉäMªÉiÉÉ
- Eò¨ÉǺ´É°ü{ÉiÉÉ).
If one of the
forces is added to or removed from the equilibrium point (κlÉÊiÉ), it generates
motion in the same direction. Depending upon the strength of the force added or
removed, the equilibrium resolves into an appropriate velocity in that
direction. Thus, theoretically, it has the maximum possible potential velocity.
Such motion dominated by incoming ʴɹhÉÖ& (¥ÉÀÉMÉ̦ÉiÉ Ê´É¹hÉÖ&) is called ºÉÉä¨É and that dominated by outgoing (¥ÉÀÉMÉ̦ÉiÉ )
is called +ÎMxÉ&.
Since ºÉÉä¨É
consolidates +ÎMxÉ&
and reduces motion, it is cool. It generates negative charge that always moves
towards the denser area or the center of mass. By confining the positive
charge, it becomes mass at a later stage (through +É{É&). Because of the opposite effect, +ÎMxÉ& is hot and generates
positive charge. Unless confined by negative charge, it is released as heat.
While ¥ÉÀÉ, ʴɹhÉÖ&
and are
not physically perceptible within the limitations of normal human beings, +ÎMxÉ and ºÉÉä¨É are physically
perceptible and constitute everything in the Universe (+ÎMxɹÉÉä¨ÉÉi¨ÉEò VÉMÉiÉÂ). These five (¥ÉÀÉ, ʴɹhÉÖ&, ) are called +Éi¨ÉIÉ®ú because they are the first perceptible
deformations (Ê´ÉEòÉ®ú)
in the primordial Universe. When these deformations accumulate considerably (ÊSɪɨÉÉxÉ |ÉÉEÞòiÉ ¥ÉÀ),
they become the genesis for ʴɷɺÉÞ]Âõ
of the same name and are the source of the five (·ÉäiÉÉ·ÉäiÉ®ú ={ÉÊxɹÉnù 1/5) fundamental
forces described earlier. The (MÉÖhɦÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉEò
IÉ®ú¥ÉÀ±ÉIÉhÉ) ʴɷɺÉÞ]
or ʴɷɺÉÞVÉ&
are so-called because according to iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ ¥ÉÉÀhÉ 3/12/9/8 they create the physical
Universe (ʴɷɺÉÞVÉ&
These are the 5 iÉx¨ÉÉjÉÉ
of Samkhya. Here the first interactive characteristics are generated.
¥ÉÀÉ, ʴɹhÉÖ&, together are called ºÉƪÉiÉÒ±ÉÉäEòÉÊvɹ`öÉiÉÉ º´Éɪɨ¦ÉÚ´É¥ÉÀÉ, who
is expressed by these aspects. Hence ¥ÉÀÉ had 5 faces, out of which ¯ûpù& is said to have cut off one leaving four. Since +ÎMxÉ& and ºÉÉä¨É always coexist
and their proportion determines all chemical properties, they are treated as
one and is collectively called vɨÉÇ&.
These (¥ÉÀÉ, ʴɹhÉÖ&,
and vɨÉÇ&)
constitute the four faces (|É´ÉÞÊkÉuùÉ®ú)
of ¥ÉÀÉ. Since IT
is not physically involved in creation, IT is said to be Eò¨É±ÉÉänÂù¦É´É&,
who evoles ({ÉÖ¹{É
Ê´ÉEò¶ÉxÉä) in {ÉÖ¹Eò®ú{ÉhÉÇ,
as ºÉÊ±É±É (+É{ÉÉä ´ÉÉ )
– move without attachment. ʴɹhÉÖ
and are
jointly called GòxnùºÉÒ±ÉÉäEòÉÊvɹ`öÉiÉÉ
who expresses ITself as ʴɹhÉÖ&
and xÉÉ®úɪÉhÉ&
and the energy associated with IT as ¨É½þɨÉɪÉÉ and ªÉÉäMɨÉɪÉÉ. and ºÉÉä¨É together are known as ®úÉänùºÉÒ±ÉÉäEòÉÊvɹ`öÉiÉÉ ¯ûpù. Hence these are
said as ITs three eyes – through which IT is revealed. IT has two aspects. When
IT is dominated by Ê´ÉIÉä{ÉhÉvɨÉÉÇ
, IT is called
¯ûpù&. When IT is
dominated by ºÉÉä¨É(SÉxpù¶ÉäJÉ®ú),
IT is called ʶɴÉ&
(ªÉÉ iÉä ¯ûpù ʶɴÉÉ
According to @ñM´Éänù 6/69/8, the
competitive interaction (º{ÉrùÉÇ)
and ʴɹhÉÖ gives
rise to jÉävÉÉ ºÉ½þ»É¨ÉÂ.
This competitive interaction is for the local dominance by either of the two and
has infinite variations. The ºÉɽþ»ÉÒ
of ʴɹhÉÖ gives
rise to confining potential (+¶ÉxÉɪÉÉ´ÉÞÊkÉ),
which creates complementary potential (+ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉäªÉ ¦ÉÉ´É), to generate two types of
complements known as ªÉÉä¹ÉÉ-´ÉÞ¹ÉÉ.
These complements permeate everything and turn into all structures through
condensation due to high energy induced by the confinement imposed by equal but
oppositely directed forces (+zÉ-+zÉÉnù
¦ÉÉ´É). This gives rise to positive and negative charges (ʨÉlÉÖxɨÉÂ), which
starts all structures as described in BäiÉ®äúªÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 12/12/23. Thus, one ¥ÉÀ becomes five
non-describable forms ({É\SÉEò±É).

¹ÉÉäb÷¶ÉÒ +¶ÉxÉɪÉÉ´ÉÞÊkÉþ
ªÉÉä¹ÉÉ-´ÉÞ¹ÉÉ +zÉ-+zÉÉnù ¦ÉÉ´É Ê¨ÉlÉÖxɨÉÂ
This gives rise
to structure formation as described in ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 13/7/1/1 “¥ÉÀ ´Éè º´ÉªÉ¨¦ÉÚ iÉiÉÉä%iÉ{ªÉiÉ* iÉnèIÉiÉ* xÉ ´Éè
iÉ{ɺªÉÉxÉxiªÉ¨ÉκiÉ* ½þxiÉɽÆþ ¦ÉÚiÉä¹´ÉÉi¨ÉÉxÉÆ VÉÖ½þ´ÉÉÊxÉ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊxÉ
SÉÉi¨ÉÉÊxÉ <ÊiÉ* iÉiÉ ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÖ ¦ÉÚiÉä¹´ÉÉi¨ÉÉxÉÆ ½Öþi´ÉÉ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊxÉ
SÉÉi¨ÉÊxÉ ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÉÆ ¦ÉÚiÉÉxÉÉÆ ¸Éä¹`ö¬Æ º´ÉÉ®úÉVªÉÆ +ÉÊvÉ{ÉiªÉÆ {ɪÉæiÉÂ*”.
This is known as the ºÉ´ÉǽÖþiɪÉYÉ
(@ñEÂò 10/90/8). The
mechanism is called pentafication ({É\SÉÒEò®úhÉ - ªÉÉÊxÉ {É\SÉvÉÉ jÉÒÊhÉ jÉÒÊhÉ iÉ䦪ÉÉä xÉ VªÉɪÉ
{É®ú¨ÉxªÉnùκiÉ - UôÉxnùÉäMªÉ ={ÉÊxɹÉnÂù 2/21/3. Also, ªÉnùIÉ®Æú {É\SÉÊ´ÉvÉÆ ºÉ¨ÉäÊiÉ
ªÉÖVÉÉä ªÉÖHòÉ +ʦɪÉiÉ ºÉƴɽþÎxiÉ* ºÉiªÉºªÉ ºÉiªÉ¨ÉxÉÖ ªÉjÉ ªÉÖVªÉiÉä iÉjÉ
näù´ÉÉ& ºÉ´ÉÇä BEòҦɴÉþÎxiÉ*). In this process everyone interacts
with each other wherein one becomes the base for the others (+ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉäªÉ ¦ÉÉ´É). The
¥ÉÀ or +´ªÉªÉ-+IÉ®ú-IÉ®ú
become five categories each revealing different aspects.
Through {É\SÉÒEò®úhÉ they create
five entities (+hÉÖ¦ÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉEò
called {É\SÉVÉxÉ
(|ÉÉhÉ, +É{É&,
´ÉÉEÂò, +zÉÉnù, +zÉ and not the four Varnas and ÊxɹÉÉnù, as has been generally
interpreted by some). This is dominated by +´ªÉªÉ. But confinement is possible only with
charge generated by +ÎMxɹÉÉä¨É.
Hence these have no form. It creates conceptual aspects (¨ÉxÉ´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ® - ¦ÉɴɺÉÞι]õú).
With further pentafication, they became (®äúhÉÖ¦ÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉEò {É\SÉ-{ÉÎ\SÉEÞòiÉ IÉ®±ÉIÉhÉ) {ÉÖ®ú\VÉxÉ (´Éänù, ±ÉÉäEò, näù´É, ¦ÉÚiÉ,
{ɶÉÖ), which is dominated by +IÉ®. This also has no form due to similar reasons. Here
the 4 ´Éänù have
to be interpreted as the perception of dimension, motion, radiation and
confinement as defined by MÉÉä{ÉlÉ
¥ÉÉÀhÉ (@ñSÉÉ&
Similarly {ɶÉÖ
has to be defined as the observation enabling agencies (ªÉnù{ɶªÉiÉ iÉiÉ {ɶÉÖ& - ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ
6/1/1/2. These are of five types: UôxnùÉÆ漃 {ÉÉä¹É +zÉÉÊxÉ ºÉʱɱÉÉxªÉMxɪÉ&
Gò¨ÉÉiÉÂ* {É\SÉäiÉä {ɶɴÉ& ÊxÉiªÉÆ |ÉÉhÉä¹´ÉäiÉä |ÉÊiÉι`öiÉÉ. It
creates functional aspects (|ÉÉhÉ´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®
- MÉÖhɺÉÞι]õú). Pentafication
of these, lead to structure ({ÉÖ®ú)
formation (º´ÉªÉ¨¦ÉÚ,
{É®ú¨Éä¹`öÒ, ºÉÚªÉÇ, {ÉÞÊlÉ´ÉÒ, SÉxpù¨ÉÉ - ¦ÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉEò {É\SÉ-{É\SÉ-{ÉÎ\SÉEÞòiÉ
IÉ®±ÉIÉhÉ). Here ºÉÚªÉÇ includes the
galaxies also (their creation and evolution are treated as similar). The other
terms should be interpreted similarly. This is dominated by IÉ®. These lead to
structure formation (´ÉÉEÂò´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®
- Ê´ÉEòÉ®úºÉÞι]õ). Thus, {É®úÉi{É®ú, 5 ʴɷɺÉÞ], 5 {É\SÉVÉxÉ, 5 {ÉÖ®ú\VÉxÉ, make up 16 Eò±ÉÉ (¹ÉÉäb÷¶ÉEò±ÉʨÉnÆù ºÉ´ÉǨÉÂ). Since each of the
16 has different characteristics and since each of these are responsible for
the material creation, each of these influence sound generation also.
Only the above
interpretation of two types of ´ÉÉEÂò
harmonizes with ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ
3/2/11 - =¦ÉªÉʱÉRÂóMÉƺɴÉÇjÉ
ʽþ because we cannot use either ºÉ®úº´ÉiÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò or the +ɨ¦ÉÞhÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò in
isolation. Patanjali ({ÉiÉ\VÉʱÉ)
has shown that whenever we use a word, it is always related to a concept (YÉÉxɨÉÂ) associated
with some object ({ÉnùÉlÉÇ).
In the perception “this (object - +lÉÇ) is like that (the concept expressed by
nomenclature or in words - {Énù), hence it is
that (name)”, one can describe “that” only if one has perceived it earlier. Perception
requires prior measurement of multiple aspects or fields and storing the result
of measurement in a centralized system (memory) to be retrieved when needed. The
first experience of decoding of the signals is the sensory impression that is
called ÊxÉÌ´ÉEò±{ÉEò,
because it is an impression in isolation. This is uni-modal and the simplest of
the transactions that occur between our sensory modes and the observable. Perception
is a combination of such sensory impressions and is multi-modal or ºÉÊ´ÉEò±{ÉEò. To
understand a certain aspect, we just refer to the data bank and see whether it
matches with any of the previous readings or not. The answer is either yes or
no or uncertain. If it is yes, we say “it is that”, if no, we say “it is not
that” and if it does not match, we say, “do not know” or “may be”. Since
measurement is a process of comparison between similars, cognition occurs when
sensation accompanies an interpretation with reference to what is already
experienced and stored in memory (º¨ÉÞÊiÉ{ÉÚ´ÉÉÇxÉÖ¦ÉÚiÉÉlÉÇÊ´É¹ÉªÉ YÉÉxɨÉÖSªÉiÉä).
Further, the
words xÉ +¶É´nù¨É have to be
interpreted as double negative for ¶É´nù¨ÉÂ. This implies extra hidden meaning. The initial YÉÉxÉ-¤É±É-ÊGòªÉÉ of ¥ÉÀ being universal in
cognition (ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ°ü{Éi´ÉäxÉ
ºÉ´ÉÇʴɹɪÉEòi´ÉÉiÉ {ÉÊ®úSUäôt®úÉʽþiªÉäxÉ {ÉÚhÉÇi´ÉÉiÉ +Ê´ÉÎSUôzÉ°ü{ɨÉÂ),
is in the nature of internal ´ÉÉEÂò
that is not in the speech form (+ÉxiÉ®úÉʦɱÉÉ{ÉÉi¨ÉEò¶É´nùxɺ´É¦ÉÉ´É&).
The <ÇIÉhÉ of ¥ÉÀ is not like
physical observation, but conceptual in nature (|ÉÉEÞòiÉäSUôÉÊnù´ÉiÉ ´ÉÉÁʴɹɪÉɦÉÉ´ÉÉiÉÂ
¶ÉÖrù|ÉEòɶɨɪÉ) just like a new-born child senses everything without
being able to express its feelings in speech form (ªÉlÉÉ Ê½þ ºÉtÉäVÉÊxÉiÉʶɶÉÉä&
+xiÉ&ºÉÆ®ú¨¦É°ü{ÉÉä VÉb÷i´ÉʴɱÉIÉhÉÉä%²¨ÌÕtªÌþ¦ªÉÙÌǪÉFò±ÌÌâ¦ÉÌ¥ÌÌâ%ѲtÌ tÌyÌÌ Ìú®ÍZÌpùÜù̲ªÉ
D¥Ì̷ɦÉþÌ¥Ì:*). It is not expressed
in alternative speech form as +-½þ
etc (+½Æþ|ÉiªÉ´É¨É¶ÉÉæ
ªÉ& |ÉEò¶ÉÉi¨ÉÉÊ{É ´ÉÉM´É{ÉÖ&* xÉɺÉÉè Ê´ÉEò±{É& ºÉÁÖHò uùªÉÉ{ÉäIÉÒ
Ê´ÉÊxɶSɪÉ& - ¸ÉÒ|ÉiªÉʦÉYÉɪÉɨÉÂ). Since it is not in speech form
as +-½þ etc, it
is +¶É´nù¨ÉÂ. But
since it is ´ÉÉEÂò,
it is xÉ +¶É´nù¨ÉÂ. This is the
proper interpretation of xÉ
+¶É´nù¨É in the ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ 1/1/5 - an
adjective (ÊGòªÉÉ
ʴɶÉä¹ÉhÉ) for <ÇIÉiÉä&.
Some may
question the above description of conceptual observation without external
objects (ʴɹɪÉ),
which are confined objects (Ê´É
¶É´nùÉä ʽþ ʴɶÉä¹ÉÉlÉÇ ÊºÉxÉÉäÊiÉ´ÉÇxvɨÉÖSªÉiÉä * ʴɶÉä¹ÉähÉ ÊºÉxÉÉäiÉÒÊiÉ
ʴɹɪÉÉäƒiÉÉä ÊxɪÉɨÉEò) on the
ground that even the sensing of something by a child requires an external
object. At the beginning there were no objects. Then how and what did ¥ÉÀ observe? For
answering this, we have to examine the mechanism of perception. At any moment, our sense organs are bombarded by a
multitude of stimuli. But only one of them is given a clear channel at any
instant to go up to the thalamus and then to the cerebral cortex, so that like
photographic frames, we perceive one discrete frame at every instant (……¨ÉxÉÉä VÉxiÉÉäÌ´ÉvÉÒªÉiÉä*
iɺ¨ÉÉnÂù ªÉÖMÉ{ÉnùjÉɺªÉ OɽþhÉÆ xÉÉä{É{ÉtiÉä*), but due to the high speed of their reception,
it appears as continuous perception (¨ÉxɺÉÉ {ɪÉæÊiÉ Gò¨É¶ÉÉä ʴɹɪÉÉÊxɨÉÉxÉÂ*
ʴɹɪÉɪÉiÉxɺlÉÉä ʽþ ¦ÉÚiÉÉi¨ÉÉ IÉäjɨÉÉʸÉiÉ*). This happens due to an active reception (<ÎxpùªÉ) and transport system (¨ÉxÉ) against concentration gradient. Unlike the
sensory apparatuses (<ÎxpùªÉ)
that are subject specific, the
transport system in the opposite direction within the body happens for all
types of sensory impulses by one agency called mind (¨ÉxÉ or |ÉYÉÉxÉÉi¨ÉÉ). While this is absolutely essential in
any perception, it alone cannot lead to cognition. The transported unimodal information
needs to be processed to become multimodal for cognition (+Éi¨Épù´ªÉÆ
näù½þºÉƸɪÉhÉÉÎx´ÉiÉÆ Eò®úhÉÉÊvÉι`öiÉÆ ªÉlÉÉÊ´ÉÊvÉ ¦ÉÉäMÉÉxÉÖ{ɦÉÖRÂóHäò* YÉÉxÉÆ ¤ÉÖÊrù¶SÉ ¨ÉxɶSÉ iɺªÉ ¦ÉÉäMÉÉÊvÉEò®úhÉä Eò®úhÉÉÊxÉ*).
In communication
technology, in addition to encryption (language phrased in terms of algorithms
executed on certain computing machines - sequence of symbols), compression
(quantification and reduction of complexity - grammar) and data transmission
(sound, signals), there is a necessity of mixing information (mass of text,
volume of intermediate data, time over which such process will be executed)
related to different aspects (readings generated from different fields), with a
common code (data structure - strings) to bring it to a format “it is like/ not
like that”. Such mixing is done through data, text, spread-sheets, pictures,
voice and video. Data are discretely defined fields. What the user sees is
controlled by software - a collection of computer programs. What the hardware
sees is bytes and bits.
In perception, data are the response of our
sense organs to individual external stimuli. Text is the excitation of the
neural network in specific regions of the brain. Spreadsheets are the memories
of earlier perception. Pictures are the inertia of motion generated in memory
(thought) after a fresh impulse, linking related past experiences. Voice is the
disturbance created due to the disharmony between the present thought and the stored
image (this or that, yes or no). Video is the net thought that emerges out of
such interaction. Software is the memory. Hardware includes the neural network.
Bytes and bits are the changing interactions of the sense organs (string) with
the respective fields generated by objects evolving in time. Still, it requires
a conscious agent to mix these signals and convert them to electro-chemical
information to cognize and utilize them.
In perception,
these tasks are done by the neural activity in the brain that is called intellect - ¤ÉÖÊrù or Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉÉi¨ÉÉ. Though, it is not directly perceptible (+º¡Öò®úhɺ´É¦ÉÉ´É), it is inferred from its actions - firing of
positrons in specific areas of brain during perception. Hence even after the
breath stops, a person may not be brain dead as the intellect may still be
functional. While mind facilitates the transport of various impulses, their
mixing and interpretation of the state of superposition of various thoughts/inputs
in memory, is done by this transitory - intellect - ¤ÉÖÊrù (¤ÉÖräù¯ûkÉ®úEòɱÉÉ SÉ ´ÉänùxÉÉ où¶ªÉiÉä ¤ÉÖvÉè&). During perception mediated by mind, we
transport-in the external impulses and search the memory (activated by +½þRÂóEòÉ® or ¨É½þÉxÉÉi¨ÉÉ - the
repository of memory) for
alternatives for matching with the various perceived stimuli. During cognition mediated
by intellect, we mix the various stimuli and zero in on one concept (….¤ÉÖÊrù®úÉi¨ÉÉxÉÖMÉÉ =i{ÉÉiÉäxÉ
Ê´ÉvÉÒªÉiÉä* iÉnùÉʸÉiÉÉ Ê½þ ºÉÆYÉè¹ÉÉ ¤ÉÖÊrùºiɺªÉèʹÉhÉÒ ¦É´ÉäiÉÂ*). Thus, we have to consider transitory
intellect that cognizes, separately from the ever present mind that perceives.
Intellect regulates mind both ways. But being a transitory processor generated
just before cognition (¤ÉÖÊrù¯ûi{ÉtiÉä
EòɪÉÉÇx¨ÉxɺiÉÖi{ÉzɨÉä´É ʽþ* ¤ÉÖräùMÉÖÇhÉÊ´ÉvÉÉxÉäxÉ ¨ÉxɺiÉnÂùMÉÖhÉ´ÉnÂù
¦É´ÉäiÉÂ*), and being
functional in sequence (Gò¨Énù̶É) only, intellect also cannot be conscious
(explained below).
Result of measurement
(YÉÉxɨÉÂ) by an
observer (YÉÉiÉÞ°ü{É pù¹]õÉ)
is a process of comparison (ºÉÆÊ´ÉÊnùiÉ
nù¶ÉÇxÉ) between
similar states of the measured (YÉÉxÉ°ü{É
où¶ªÉ) at any given instant (Gò¨É°ü{ÉÒ EòÉ±É - explained later). Independent of
observation or measurement, the measured object continues to evolve in time. Where
the result of measurement is known (+xÉÖ¦ÉÚiÉÉʦɴªÉÊHòEò) the time associated with it is past
(+iÉÒiÉ). Where
the result of measurement is continuing, (º´É´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ®úÉä{ÉÉ°üfø) the time associated with
it is present (´ÉkÉǨÉÉxÉ).
Where the result of measurement is not known, but will be known or is predictable
the time associated with it is future (+xÉÉMÉiÉ). This sequence (Gò¨É) continues
unabated. Capacity to know the whole sequence of evolution is Omniscience ºÉ´ÉÇYÉiÉÉ. Since our
measuring instruments (including sense organs) are capable of measuring the
whole sequence of events only in phases, future becomes uncertain for us, as we
are unable to foresee the extraneous effects that may affect the present state
to make it unpredictable. This, and not the Heisenberg postulate or its modifications
by Ozawa and others, is the
cause for uncertainty. The Schrödinger’s cat has a determined fate, but it will
not be known to us till observation at ‘now’.
Once the result
of measurement is fixed for a particular instant, it does not change, though
the object continues to change with time. This fixed result of measurement (+Gò¨Énù̶É) is cognizable to us (YÉÉxÉ°ü{É où¶ªÉ). The process of storing it (ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ) as a
definitive memory creating impression (´ÉÉävÉ), is the cognition (ºÉÆÊ´ÉÊnùiÉ nù¶ÉÇxÉ). After such storage,
the perceptual/cognitive sequence ends (ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ nù¶ÉÇxÉEòɪÉÉǴɺÉÉxÉ). Unlike
intellect, which mixes the individual perceptions sequentially (Gò¨ÉnùÌ¶É - what I see is the one I touch or I taste, etc) to a common electro-chemical perception,
whatever remains invariant (+Gò¨Énù̶É) as “I” in all such acceptance
sequences, is the observer (YÉÉiÉÞ°ü{É
pù¹]õÉ). Thus, it has to be different from intellect. Because it is not
confined, it cannot be written down in an equation, as equations deal with
mathematics, which is a science of numbers and numbers are the perception of
differentiation between similar confined objects – if there are no similars and
the object has limited dimension, it is one, otherwise it is infinity. If there
are similars, it is many, which can be 2,3,….n. By definition, all mathematics
using infinity is void.
But such logic
is not applicable in the primordial state of the Universe after final
annihilation – |ɱɪÉ
or the big crunch (though nothing is crunched – everything dissolves to the
primordial soup in the opposite reaction - total degeneracy in a condition of
maximum entropy). The word |ɱɪÉ
means |É-±ÉªÉ or
moving towards submergence with its cause (xÉɶÉ& EòÉ®úhɱɪÉ), not absolute
nonexistence of everything. How could that state (singularity) be described in
the absence of all perceivables? The answer lies in the mechanism of perception
explained in ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ 3-2-18
to 21.
During |ɱɪÉ, IT
remains in IT’s Supreme Glory, but no other observable remains or no action
takes place. This has been described by |ɶxÉÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnÂù 4/2 as: ªÉlÉÉ MÉÉMªÉÇ ¨É®úÒSɪÉÉäƒEÇòºªÉɺiÉÆ MÉSUôiÉ&
ºÉ´ÉÉÇ BiÉϺ¨ÉºiÉäVÉÉä¨Éhb÷±É BEòҦɴÉÎxiÉ iÉÉ& {ÉÖxÉ&
{ÉÖxɯûnùªÉiÉ& |ÉSÉ®úxiªÉä´ÉÆ ½þ ´Éè iÉiºÉ´ÉÈ {É®äú näù´Éä
¨ÉxɺªÉäEòҦɦɴÉÊiÉ* iÉäxÉ iÉÁæ¹É {ÉÖ¯û¹ÉÉä xÉ ¸ÉÖhÉÉäÊiÉ xÉ {ɶªÉÊiÉ xÉ
ÊVÉQÉÊiÉ xÉ ®úºÉªÉiÉä xÉ º{ÉÞ¶ÉiÉä xÉÉʦɴÉnùiÉä xÉÉnùkÉä xÉÉxÉxnùªÉiÉä xÉ
ʴɺÉÞVÉiÉä xÉäªÉɪÉiÉä º´ÉÊ{ÉiÉÒiªÉÉSÉIÉiÉä*. Further, ¤ÉÞ½þnùÉ®úhªÉEò ={ÉÊxɹÉiÉÂ
4/3/23 elaborates: ªÉuèù
iÉzÉ {ɶªÉÊiÉ {ɶªÉx´Éè iÉzÉ {ɶªÉÊiÉ xÉ Ê½þ pù¹]ÖõqÇù¹]äõÌ´É{ÉÊ®ú±ÉÉä{ÉÉä
iÉÎnÂùuùiÉҪɨÉκiÉ iÉiÉÉäƒxªÉÊuù¦ÉHÆò
According to {É®úÉÎ\SÉJÉÉÊxÉ - Eò`öÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnÂù 4/1,
our sense organs and all measuring instruments “move outward” to perceive
(measure). The observer is in the opposite direction to the observed with the
instrument (sense organs) mediating observation. Let us take the example of the
reflection of the Sun in water (+iÉ
B´É SÉÉä{ɨÉÉ ºÉÚªÉÇEòÉÊnù´ÉiÉ - ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ 3-2-18). The word ºÉÚªÉÇEòÉ (like {ÉÖjÉEòÉ – addressed by näù´ÉÉ& to Ê{ÉiÉ®ú&, when the later went to the former seeking
advice, or ½þÉäjÉEòÉ)
instead of ºÉÚªÉÇ,
is important. What we call “seeing” is actually the interaction of the incoming
electromagnetic radiation with the electromagnetic field set up by our eyes. We
do not see the Sun or any object directly, but only the radiation emitted by it
(ÊSÉiÉäÊxÉvÉäªÉ Ê{Éhb÷).
But when we touch something, we cut out the radiation and touch the mass (ÊSÉiªÉ Ê{Éhb÷) directly.
Thus, iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ
+É®úhªÉEò 1/8 says: +xÉ´ÉhÉæ
<¨Éä ¦ÉÚ¨ÉÒ* <ªÉÆ SÉɺÉÉè SÉ ®úÉänùºÉÒ*, because either way we
cannot give a complete description. When we see the Sun’s reflection in water,
we cut out the radiation from the Sun directly, which are absorbed by the
water. What we then see is possible only in the presence of the Sun, i.e., even
the reflection of the Sun needs Sunlight to be perceived (hence ºÉÚªÉÇEòÉ). It is similar
to the Sun proper (ºÉÉoù¶ªÉ¨ÉÂ
- iÉÎnÂù¦ÉzÉi´Éä ºÉÊiÉ iÉnÂùMÉiɦÉÚªÉÉävɨÉÇ´Ék´É¨ÉÂ*). Here SÉ indicates ºÉ¨ÉÖSSÉªÉ - synthesis
of above two aspects.
Perception or
measurement is observation of transformation ({ÉÊ®úhÉɨÉ). Transformations are of two types:
material or constituent transformation (+Éè{ÉénùÉÊxÉEò {ÉÊ®úhÉɨÉ) and relational
transformations (±ÉÉIÉÊhÉEò
{ÉÊ®úhÉɨÉ). If the object is constituted of many different materials,
then it can have constituent transformation due to addition or reduction of
other materials. But if it is of one material, then the only transformation
possible is in its relation with others. For example, even though pure water is
a compound, it behaves differently from its constituents and appears as a
single entity. When added with salt or sugar etc, it has material
transformation. With heat, it can change its state. By itself, it can transform
shape according to the (relational) container (+hb÷´ÉÞÊkÉi´É). Motion is also relational
transformation, as it couples the object to different positions in space and
time. Since the cognition of “I” is always related to all perceptions, the
example of the reflection of Sun in different types of water like that of a
well, pond, lake, river and sea, is apt. The “I” remains universal in all
cognitions, though they appear differently. Happiness or sorrow may be caused
by different objects or events, but in all such perceptions, the “I” remains
same. It does not grow or reduce. It is not affected by these transformations,
like the Sun is not affected when the water flows or is muddied and its
reflection is affected by such actions.
Some may
question this view on the ground that when we look at a reflection, there is no
chiral parity, but it is chiral conjugate only (when we move our right hand,
the reflection moves its left hand). It does not give a true picture. ¥ÉÀºÉÚjÉ 3-2-19
explains this as +¨¤ÉÖ´ÉnÂùOɽþhÉÉkÉÖ
xÉ iÉlÉÉi´É¨ÉÂ*. When water flows from a higher position to lower down,
if it faces an obstruction, it takes whatever diversion is available and goes
till its surface balance is maintained. On the other side (side facing Earth),
it acquires the shape of the Earth’s surface. If we could look from the
opposite direction and see that surface of water, it will be like casting of a die
for using mould to create a shape. When this shape is reflected back to us, we
see true similarity. Thus, Eò`öÉä{ÉÊxɹÉnÂù
2/2/9 says, +ÎMxɪÉÇlÉèEòÉä
¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉÆ |Éʴɹ]õÉä °ü{ÉÆ °ü{ÉÆ |ÉÊiÉ°ü{ÉÉä ¤É¦ÉÚ´É* BEòºiÉlÉÉ
ºÉ´ÉǦÉÚiÉÉxiÉ®úÉi¨ÉÉ °ü{ÉÆ °ü{ÉÆ |ÉÊiÉ°ü{ÉÉä ¤Éʽþ¶SÉ*. The subsequent ºÉÚjÉÉ& extend this
logic. The interpretation of this ºÉÚjÉ with the example of the reflection of the Moon is
misleading, as Moon does not have its own light (º´ÉVªÉÉäÊiÉ), but shines in reflected light ({É®úVªÉÉäÊiÉ).
According to ¶ÉÊHòºÉÚjÉ ¦ÉɹªÉ¨ÉÂ, {É®ú¨ÉʶɴÉÉä VÉMÉiÉÂ
Eò´É±ÉªÉzÉÊ{É xÉ ºÉÉ´ÉÉÇi¨ªÉäxÉ +Ê{É i´ÉƶÉäxÉ ºÉƺEòÉ®úÉi¨ÉxÉÉ ºlÉÉ{ɪÉÊiÉ* ºÉ
B´É ºÉƺEòÉ®ú& <Ç·É®ú ʺɺÉÞIÉɪÉÉÆ ºÉ½þEòÉ®úÒ¦ÉÚiÉ& +xªÉlÉÉ
´Éè¹É¨ªÉxÉêPÉÞhªÉÉ{ÉkÉä®úÊxÉ´ÉÉ®úhÉÉiÉÂ*. This effect is known in modern
quantum gravity theories as the Big Bounce, though it has been confused with
colliding galaxies at singularity. When we look at the Universe, we find that
time evolution (¹ÉbÂ÷¦ÉÉ´ÉÊ´ÉEòÉ®úÉ&)
follows a fixed pattern. Everything evolves from being (seed stage) to
becoming, transforms due to addition of external factors, grows, transmutes due
to the opposite process and finally decomposes to the constituent particles (VÉɪÉiÉä, +κiÉ,
Ê´É{ÉÊ®úhɨÉiÉä, ´ÉrÇùiÉä, +{ÉIÉÒªÉiÉä, Ê´ÉxɶªÉÊiÉ).
This is a
physical principle of cyclic time (ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®ú&). Here ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®ú& does not mean year (EòɱÉÉ& ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®Äúú ʸÉiÉÉ&), but has to be interpreted as
time evolution of species as defined by iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ ¥ÉÉÀhÉ 3/9/9: @ñiÉ´É& ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®ú&
and ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ ¥ÉÉÀhÉ
12/2/1: {ÉÖ¯û¹ÉÉä ´Éè ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®ú&. It is different for different
species. Thus, comparison between two different cycles has to be proportionate.
For example, galactic evolutionary cycles are different from solar cycles,
because galaxy is like a bigger version of not the Sun, but the Solar system.
Thus, the evolutionary cycles of galaxies have been wrongly calculated in
modern science. According to Vedic science, evolutionary cycle of our galaxy repeats
(perpetual inertia) every 8.64 billion years. The cycles for humans are variable
because of differential inertia and are about 100 years. Hence when we compare the
time evolution of the galaxy with human life-cycle, it is a huge dilation. The
same principle applies to humans and other animals. This is true time dilation.
The famous experiment for proving time dilation using six atomic clocks was
manipulated as can be verified from original records still available in the US
Naval Archives. The time dilation measured by GPS systems is due to refraction
of light signals when light moves through different density media on Earth’s
atmosphere and space.
When the 15
forces of +Ê´ÉtÉ
confines the super-fluid ®úºÉ
or ºÉÞ¹]õ¥ÉÀ, the
resultant is known as VÉÒ´É
(¶ÉHäò®úÊ´ÉtÉEòÉ®äúhÉ ºÉƤÉrÆù VÉҴɺÉÆÊYÉiɨÉÂ*). Such VÉÒ´É are of two types
Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉÆ ÊuùvÉɱÉÉäEäò ´ªÉ´ÉκlÉiɨÉÂ): one dominated by confined
matter and the other dominated by free-flowing energy (+lÉÇiÉÉä ¨ÉÖJªÉ¨ÉäEÆò iÉÖ YÉÉxɨÉxªÉiÉÂ
|ÉiÉÒÊiÉiÉ&). Hence during perception, the relevant brain areas fire
positrons (YÉÉxɨÉxªÉiÉÂ
|ÉiÉÒÊiÉiÉ&), which are said to be anti-matter of electrons. Objects
dominated by the confinement of forces require their distinctive space and are
called material particles (baryons - +Ê´ÉtɤÉrùÊ´ÉYÉÉxɨÉlÉÇiÉÉä ¨ÉÖJªÉ¨ÉÖSªÉiÉä - iÉɨÉʺÉEò). The other,
which does not require separate space, is called the non-baryonic subtle or
cognitive body (ºlÉڱɺÉÚI¨É
¶É®úÒ®úɦªÉɨɴÉÎSUôzÉ |ÉiÉÒÊiÉiÉ&*). This second body, which has
cognitive characteristics (ºÉÉÊkÉEò-®úÉVÉʺÉEò)
communicates with other forms and when it is cognized by others, it is called a
life form (º´É|ÉSÉÉ®úɸɪÉÆ
ÊSÉkÉÆ VÉÒ´É°ü{É |ÉEòɶÉEò¨ÉÂ). These two types of bodies are also
called as ´ªÉHò/+SÉ®ú and +´ªÉHò/SÉ®ú
respectively (<ÎxpùªÉè&
ºÉÞVªÉiÉä ªÉnÂù ªÉiÉ iÉiÉ iÉnÂù ´ªÉÊHòʨÉÊiÉ º¨ÉÞiɨÉÂ* iÉnù´ªÉHòʨÉÊiÉ
YÉäªÉÆ Ê±ÉRÂóMÉOÉÉÁ¨ÉiÉÒÎxpùªÉ¨ÉÂ*). As long as they maintain a specific
ratio (+xªÉÉäxªÉÆ
xÉÉÊiÉ´ÉiÉÇxiÉä), the body retains its form. When the ratio is
disturbed, then the existing form is destroyed and a new form is created (ªÉnùÉ iÉÖ Ê´É¹É¨ÉÆ
¦ÉɴɨÉÉSÉ®úÎxiÉ SÉ®úÉSÉ®úÉ&* iÉnùÉ näù½þÒ näù½þ¨ÉxªÉÆ ´ªÉÎiÉ®úÉä½þÊiÉ EòɱÉiÉ&*). This
principle is universal for all bodies (including inert particles) and is the
cause for time evolution of everything.
Some Physicist’s
contest the above concept of time and interpret it as an emergent
characteristic cognized by human mind only. For them, time is dependent upon
motion of materials, which is measured by various measuring instruments. If
there are no material bodies or no motion (time evolution), there should be no
time. After the Copenhagen
interpretation of Bohr, questions were raised as to: if there is
no conscious observer, does the concept of time become redundant? In the
absence of a conscious observer, are the existence of material bodies
and their motion also become redundant? Others say that just as the behavior of materials indicates that
they consist of atoms, the behavior of space and time suggests that they, too,
have some fine-scale structure either a mosaic of space-time “atoms” or some
other filigree work. Material atoms are the smallest indivisible units of
chemical compounds; similarly, the putative space atoms are the smallest
indivisible units of distance. They are generally thought to be about 10−35
meter in size, far too tiny to be seen by today’s most powerful instruments,
which probe distances as short as 10−20 meter. Consequently, many
scientists question whether the concept of atomic space-time can even be called
scientific. This can be easily explained by the Vedic theory of space and time.
Both space (¨ÉiªÉÉÇEòɶÉ) and time (¨ÉÚiÉÇEòɱÉ) as also
direction (ÊnùEÂò)
arise out of our notions of sequence ({É®úi´ÉÉ{É®úi´É Gò¨É). Space and time are the intervals (+´ÉEòɶÉ) between
ordered pairs (nearness-afar arrangement for objects and priority-posterity for
events - {É®úi´ÉÉ{É®úi´É
- from a reference point). If there is only one object or one event (as during |ɱɪÉ), space and time
will not be perceptible, though they can still exist as +¨ÉÞiÉÉEòÉ¶É and +¨ÉÚiÉÇEòɱÉ. To be perceptible, they
require at least another object or event. Hence time is described as ´ÉºiÉÖ{ÉÊiÉiÉ. Since
the intervals are only mental constructs and cannot be perceived directly, we
use alternative symbolism by describing space through sequential objects and
time through sequential events (ºÉ
±ÉÉèÊEòEòÉxÉÉÆ ´ªÉÖÎilÉiÉnù¶ÉÇxÉÉxÉÉÆ ´ÉºiÉÖº´É°ü{É <´É +´É¦ÉɺÉiÉä -
´ªÉɺɦÉɹªÉ on ªÉÉäMɺÉÚjÉ
3/52). For this purpose, we use a fairly repetitive and easily
intelligible interval as the unit and compare the required interval with it to
measure space and time. Regarding direction, which describes the sequential
arrangements of objects with respect to fixed coordinates, we use fixed points
like the point of Sun rise or the general direction of the Pole star and
designate them as east and north respectively.
There are no
similar objects like space or time. Hence they are one each. Yet, we cannot perceive
their full dimension. Hence they are infinite. Since no mathematics is
permissible between infinities, they co-exist (ºÉ½þɴɺlÉÉxÉ ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ) in a continuum – the
so-called space-time-continuum. Since both are infinite, their relationship is
also infinite (ʴɦÉÚÊiÉ
ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ), which
is a characteristic of |ÉÊ´ÉÊ´ÉHò¥ÉÀ
or +´ªÉªÉ, which
is the background structure. Hence space and time provide general background to
everything in the Universe. Their relationship is also called ºÉƶɮú ¤ÉxvÉxÉ or
loose coupling, which cannot create anything like normal coupling such as that
of quarks and leptons. Since one of these is fixed, while the other is ever
changing, we do not use the term space-time.
This raises a
question: If space and time are infinite background structure – analog – how do
we digitize and use it? The answer is what we call as time is the mutual similar
perception of the same sequence and/or simultaneous sequences by all observers
even if its interval varies (+{É®úκ¨ÉzÉ{É{É®Æú
ªÉÖMÉ{ÉiÉ ÊSÉ®Æú ÊIÉ|ÉʨÉÊiÉ EòɱÉʱÉRÂóMÉÉÊxÉ* EòhÉÉnù-2/2/6). The
minimum possible interval between objects could be that between two elementary
particles (the so-called Planck scale). The interval between the motion of one
elementary particle to totally leave its position and reach the next position
is the minimum possible interval between events. This minimum possible event is
called a moment (IÉhÉ).
Such motions are taking part continuously, but are not perceptible because of
the limitations of our sense organs (ÊxÉiªÉnùÉ ÁRÂóMÉ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊxÉ ¦É´ÉÎxiÉ xÉ ¦É´ÉÎxiÉ SÉ*
EòɱÉäxÉɱÉIÉ´ÉäMÉäxÉ ºÉÚI¨Éi´ÉÉkÉzÉ où¶ªÉiÉä*). Such changes are not
random, but are continuing everywhere perpetually in a fixed sequence (Gò¨É -
¹ÉbÂ÷¦ÉÉ´ÉÊ´ÉEòÉ®úÉ&). This infinite sequence is time (ºÉ¨´ÉiºÉ®ú). Since we
cannot measure the entire sequence, we use segments like the rotation or
revolution of Earth and subdivide it into suitable segments for our use as
unit. Thus, ´ªÉɺɦÉɹªÉ
on ªÉÉäMɺÉÚjÉ
3/52 says, ªÉlÉÉ{ÉEò¹ÉÇ{ɪÉÇxiÉÆ
pù´ªÉÆ {É®ú¨ÉÉhÉÖ®äú´ÉÆ {É®ú¨ÉÉ{ÉEò¹ÉÇ{ɪÉÇxiÉ& EòÉ±É IÉhÉ&* ªÉÉ´ÉiÉÉ
´ÉÉ ºÉ¨ÉªÉäxÉ SÉʱÉiÉ& {É®ú¨ÉÉhÉÖ& {ÉÚ¤ÉÇnäù¶ÉÆ
VÉÁÉnÖùkÉ®únäù¶É¨ÉÖ{ɺɨ{ÉtäiÉ ºÉ EòɱÉ& IÉhÉ&*
iÉi|É´ÉɽþÉÊ´ÉSUäônùºiÉÖ Gò¨É&* IÉhÉiÉiGò¨ÉªÉÉäxÉÉÇκiÉ ´ÉºiÉֺɨÉɽþÉ®ú
<ÊiÉ ¤ÉÖÊrùºÉ¨ÉɽþÉ®úÉä ¨ÉÖ½ÚþkÉÉǽþÉä®úÉjÉÉnùªÉ&*. The same
principle applies to space.
Since time is
action suggestive (ÊGòªÉÉ´ªÉRÂóMÉ)
and action is based on causality, we must discuss the Vedic principles of
causality here briefly. There are 13 different types of cause-effect sequence: ½äþiÉÖÌxÉʨÉkÉÆ |ÉEÞòÊiɶSÉ
ªÉÉäÊxÉ& |ÉÉ®ú´vɨÉÚ±Éä |ɦɴÉÉänÂù¦É´ÉÉè ªÉlÉÉ*
these 4 types are related to physical features (º´É°ü{ɺɨ¤ÉxvÉ), another 4 types related to chemical
or interactive properties ({ɪÉÉÇ{iÉ´ÉÞÊkÉi´É
ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ) and the rest 5 types are their derivatives (+x´ÉɦÉÊHò´ÉÞÊkÉi´É ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ).
We are not discussing the details here. The relationship between cause and
effect can be inferred through observing their effect (action or time
evolution). This happens to be described in six different ways (¹ÉbÂ÷ Ê´ÉEò±{É) leading
to the ¹ÉbÂ÷¦ÉÉ´ÉÊ´ÉEòÉ®úÉ&
discussed above. The first relationship is when the effect has not arisen, but
the cause is known (EòɪÉÈ
EòÉ®úhÉä or VÉɪÉiÉä).
The second is its opposite (EòÉ®úhÉÆ
EòɪÉæ or +κiÉ).
The third is evolution of features different from that of the cause due to
external interactions (EòɪÉÇ-EòÉ®úhÉä
ʦÉzÉä or Ê´É{ÉÊ®úhɨÉiÉä).
The fourth is growth of similarities of the cause in effect (EòÉ®úhɨÉä´É EòɪÉÈ or ´ÉrÇùiÉä). The fifth is
the opposite of the third (EòɪÉÈEòÉ®úhÉÉnùʦÉzÉÆ,
EòÉ®úhÉÆ iÉÖ EòɪÉÉÇnÂù ʦÉzɨÉ or +{ÉIÉÒªÉiÉä). The sixth is the end of the
evolutionary sequence (EòÉ®úhÉäEòɪÉǨÉvªÉºiɨÉÂ
or Ê´ÉxɶªÉÊiÉ).
Of these the first two relationships are called +ÉäiÉ|ÉÉäiɦÉÉ´É ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ, the third is the ¦Éänù ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ, the
fourth is the +¦Éän ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉù,
the fifth is the ¦ÉänùɦÉänù
ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ, and the sixth is called +ÊxÉ´ÉÇSÉxÉÒªÉ ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ. These features are
common to everything from quarks to the Universe, from inert to life forms.
The inertia of
motion (´ÉäMÉ)
induced by +ÎMxÉ&,
is counterbalanced by the inertia of restoration (elasticity - κlÉÊiɺlÉÉ{ÉEò ºÉƺEòÉ®ú)
of the surrounding field induced by ºÉÉä¨É. After a certain stage, the inertia of restoration
(not dark energy, as is generally believed) takes over and the Universe
dissolves to the primordial stage through decomposition. But it is not total
and there is an inherent instability (ºÉƺEòÉ®¶Éä¹É), induced by {É®ú¨ÉʶɴÉ.
According to ®úixÉjɪÉ{ÉÊ®úIÉÉ, “Eäò´É±É ÊxÉVɺ´É°ü{ÉähÉ +´ÉκlÉiɺªÉ ªÉnùÉ ´É½ÖþºªÉÉÆ |ÉVÉɪÉäªÉ
|É{É\SÉ´ÉɺÉxÉÉ°ü{ÉÉ ¶ÉÊHò®úÒÊiÉ ÊuùiÉÒªÉÆÆ iÉk´É¨ÉÂ*”. The question is why does IT divide ITself as
through inherent instability (ºÉƺEòÉ®¶Éä¹É)?
The answer, according to ·ÉäiÉÉ·ÉäiÉ®ú
={ÉÊxɹÉnù 6/1, is, º´É¦ÉɴɨÉäEäò
Eò´ÉªÉÉä ´ÉnùÎxiÉ EòɱÉÆ iÉlÉÉxªÉä {ÉÊ®ú¨ÉÖÁ¨ÉÉxÉÉ&* näù´ÉºªÉä¹É ¨Éʽþ¨ÉÉ
iÉÖ ±ÉÉäEäò ªÉäxÉänÆù §ÉɨªÉiÉä ¥ÉÀSÉGò¨ÉÂ*. It is Its nature, otherwise
there can be no creation.
According to ʴɹhÉÖºÉÆʽþiÉÉ, this ʺɺÉÞIÉÉ or that automatically
comes into existence (like the shadow automatically appears the moment a seed
germinates), leads to release of energy (¶ÉÊHò) creating various divisions (¤É±É´ªÉÖ½) in the
confined dimensionality created by ¨ÉɪÉÉ. Thus:
SÉèEòÉ ºÉ¨|É´ÉiÉÇiÉä* ÊGòªÉÉYÉÉxÉ |ɦÉänäùxÉ ¶ÉÊHò®äúEòÉ {É®úºªÉ xÉÖ&*
ÊuùvÉÉ ´ªÉÉ{ªÉ VÉMÉiEÞòiºxÉÆ
SÉ®úÉSÉ®ú¨É´ÉκlÉiÉÉ* ¶ÉÊHò¶ÉÊHò¨ÉiÉÉäªÉǺ¨ÉÉzÉ ¦ÉänùÉäκiÉ {É®úº{É®ú¨ÉÂ*
+ʦÉzÉ iÉäxÉ ¤ÉÉärù´ªÉÆ
ÊGòªÉÉYÉÉxÉuùªÉÆ ¤ÉÖvÉè&* BEò B´É ÊjÉvÉÉ°ü{ÉÉä ¦ÉänäùxÉÉxÉäxÉ
ºÉÆκlÉiÉ&* ÊGòªÉÉ YÉÉxÉÆ iÉlÉèSUôÉ SÉ ÊjÉiɪÉÆ SÉèEò¨Éä´É ʽþ*
Some may
question it as earlier we had talked about YÉÉxÉ-¤É±É-ÊGòªÉÉ, but now we are talking about
But the above text explains it fully. We have desire only when we have the
knowledge of some deficiency and the mechanism to fulfill the desire. Then we
use force (effort) to materialize that desire. This is the same as the sequence
Also: YÉÉxÉVÉxªÉ
¦É´ÉäÊnùSUôÉ .
Once the inertia
of motion (´ÉäMÉ)
weakens due to the inertia of restoration (elasticity - κlÉÊiɺlÉÉ{ÉEò ºÉƺEòÉ®ú), the later
starts dominating and the Universe dissolves into the elementary particles
again (the galaxies do not come closer, but stay at their own position). This creates
a backlash after it reaches almost uniform density. Then the reverse process
starts with inertia of motion (´ÉäMÉ)
dominating and spreads out quickly. The process of counterbalancing of generated
stress and impedance is known as º{Éxnù (for details please see º{ÉxnùEòÉÊ®úEòÉ) or |ÉEòɶÉ-ʴɨɶÉÇ. This is the Big Bang.
It spreads in the unfathomable expanse of uniform density (ºÉ¨É®úºÉ). When the
motion moves over inert background, it slows down due the bow-shock effect that
is seen when a boat is pushed in still waters of a lake. After certain
distance, the inertia of restoration (elasticity - κlÉÊiɺlÉÉ{ÉEò ºÉƺEòÉ®ú) overtakes fully and
the expansion is halted. From that point, the force bounces back creating
internal disturbances that generate other forces described below. The point of
such return is called xÉèʨɹÉÉ®úhªÉ
- xÉèʨɹÉ
because the xÉäʨÉ
of vɨÉÇSÉGò gets
exhausted xÉÒʹÉhÉÇ
there and +®úhªÉ
because it is one only (a collection is called OÉÉ¨É and its opposite is +®úhªÉ). Because it is
the biggest structure in the Universe, it is called ¥ÉÀÉ (¤ÉÞ½þk´ÉÉiÉ ´ÉÞƽþhÉk´ÉÉSSÉ). Hence ¥ÉÀÉ näù´ÉÉxÉÉÆ |ÉlÉ¨É ºÉƤɦÉÖ´É
ʴɷɺªÉ EòiÉÉÇ ¦ÉÖ´ÉxɺªÉ MÉÉä{iÉÉ*.
describes the 15 ¤É±É´ªÉÖ½þ
starting with ¨ÉɪÉÉ, vÉÉ®úÉ,
VÉɪÉÉ, +É{É&, etc.
One ÊxÉ̴ɶÉä¹É {É®úÉi{É®ú
evolves into +´ªÉªÉ (Eò¨ÉÉÇÊhÉ Ê´ÉYÉÉxɨɪɶSÉ
+Éi¨ÉÉ {É®äú%´ªÉªÉä ºÉ´ÉÇ BEòҦɴÉÎxiÉ -
¨ÉÖhb÷Eò 3-2-7),
+IÉ®ú (BiÉnÂùvªÉä´ÉÉIÉ®Æú ¥ÉÀ
BiÉnÂùvªÉä´ÉÉIÉ®Æú {É®ú¨É - Eò`ö 1-2-16) and IÉ®ú (¥ÉÀÉIÉ®úºÉ¨ÉÖnÂù¦É´É¨É - MÉÒiÉÉ 3-15).
All of these three have five divisions ({É\SÉEò±É) each. Among these, +´ªÉªÉ is +EÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ – immutable,
+IÉ®ú is EÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ - energetical
and IÉ®ú is +Ê´ÉEÖò´ÉÉÇhÉ –
mutable. Thus, the first ¤É±É´ªÉÖ½þ
- ¨ÉɪÉÉ - also
evolves into three groups of five divisions each showing these characteristics.
These are as follows:
5 nù¶ÉÉIÉ®úÉ ¤ÉÞ½þiÉÒUôxnùÉʸÉiÉ ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ|É´ÉkÉÇEò κlÉ®úvɨÉÇ
|ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É - ¨ÉɪÉÉ, vÉÉ®úÉ, VÉɪÉÉ, +É{É&, ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ*
5 +¹]õÉIÉ®úÉ +xÉÖ¹]Öõ{É UôxnùÉʸÉiÉ Ê¤É¦ÉÉMÉ|É´ÉkÉÇEò +κlÉ®úvɨÉÇ
|ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É - ¦ÉÚÊiÉ&, ªÉYÉ&, ºÉÚjɨÉÂ, ºÉiªÉ¨ÉÂ, ªÉIɨÉÂ*
5 ÊjÉ{ÉnùÉ MÉɪÉjÉÒUôxnùÉʸÉiÉ ºÉƺEòÉ®ú|É´ÉkÉÇEò ºÉ´ªÉ{ÉäIÉvɨÉÇ
|ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É - +¦´ÉÆ, ¨ÉÉä½þ&, ´ÉªÉ&, ´ÉªÉÉäxÉÉvÉ&, ´ÉªÉÖxɨÉÂ*
Each of these
terms are technical terms and should be defined precisely. For example, ¾þnùªÉ¨É is not to be
confused with heart, but interpreted as defined in ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 14/8/4/1 – “B¹É |ÉVÉ{ÉÊiɪÉÇnù ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ* BiÉiÉ ¥ÉÀ* BiÉiÉ ºÉ´ÉǨÉÂ*
….. iÉnäùiÉiÉ jªÉIÉ®Æú ¾þnùªÉ¨É <ÊiÉ* ¾þ ”. +IÉ®ú
is related to the functionality of ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ*. The +xiɪÉÉǨÉÒ +IÉ®ú functions from the confines of ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ*. This is
described in @ñM´Éänù
6/69/8 - . BäiÉ®äúªÉ ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 6/15
and ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ,
discuss about these in detail. Here +ɽþkÉÉÇ Ê´É¹hÉÖ is represented by ¾þ, Ê´ÉIÉä{ÉhÉvɨÉÉÇ is represented by nù (nùÉä +´ÉJÉhb÷xÉä) and ÊxɪɨÉxÉEòkÉÉÇ ¥ÉÀÉ is
represented by ªÉ¨ÉÂ
(ªÉ¨ÉÉä ´Éè
+´ÉºÉÉxɺªÉä¹]äõ). Thus, the term ¾þnùªÉ¨É is a ºÉÉRÂóEäòÊiÉEò that describes the fundamental
mechanism of all physical interactions. This principle can be observed
universally from quark confinement and electron orbits to Pioneer Anomaly and
ultimate boundary of the Universe. Whatever is seen from within the system is
different from whatever is seen from outside the system. Hence it is said: {É®úÉäIÉÊ|ɪÉÉ <´É ʽþ
näù´ÉÉ& |ÉiªÉIÉùÊuù¹É&*. For this reason ¨ÉɪÉÉ also means illusion. But the
opposite is not true.
In Ayurveda, the
controlling energy for the circulatory systems (SÉɱÉxÉÉÆ¶É vÉÉ®úhÉ) is called ´ªÉÉxÉ´ÉɪÉÖ. Since it
functions from the heart, the heart is also called ¾þnùªÉ¨É (´ªÉÉxÉÉä ¾þÊnù κlÉiÉ& EÞòiºxÉnäù½þSÉÉ®úÒ
¨É½þÉVÉ´É&* MÉiªÉ{ÉIÉä{ÉhÉÉäiIÉä{ÉÊxɨÉä¹ÉÉäx¨Éä¹ÉhÉÉÊnùEòÉ&*
|ÉɪÉ& ºÉ´ÉÉÇ& ÊGòªÉɺiÉκ¨ÉxÉ |ÉÊiÉ´ÉrùÉ& ¶É®úÒÊ®úhÉɨÉÂ*).
¾þnùªÉ¨É is a
characteristic of all confined objects. Confinement depends on the functions of
¨ÉɪÉÉ that
determines the dimensionality, as dimension is the perception of
differentiation between the internal structural space and external relational
space (ʴɦÉänù¤ÉÖÊrùÌxÉVÉÉƶɦÉÚiÉä¹ÉÖ
ÊxÉÊJɱɦÉÚiÉä¹ÉÖ). To explain
how the different forces operate to create ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ, let us take the example of our body. How do the different cells in the
body stay together? A force is needed for a cell to be attached to a given
surface and pull its way through the body and to withstand against the strains of
gravity, blood flow or physical movements, etc. The machinery that cells use to
generate such force is a sophisticated mix of “cables”, made of a protein
called “actin”, which crisscross and link into a kind of sturdy mesh, dotted
with a second protein, called “myosin”, which act as molecular “motors”. Myosin
grabs onto actin and pulls hard. That force spreads across the interconnected
mesh and out into the surrounding world, letting cells grasp the area around
Within the
confinement of ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ,
the internal dynamics of VÉɪÉÉ,
vÉÉ®úÉ, +É{É& continues. Once confined by ¨ÉɪÉÉ, the system evolves by vÉÉ®úÉ, VÉɪÉÉ, +É{É& to
become ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ
as described in MÉÉä{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉÂ.
Here vÉÉ®úÉ means
|É´ÉɽþEòÉÊ®úhÉÒ vÉÉ®úÉ
ºÉxiÉÉxɪÉÊiÉ MÉSUôiÉ&* MÉÊiÉ-κlÉiªÉÉä& ºÉ¨ÉÆ ªÉÉäMÉÆ ªÉÉ
|ɪÉÉäVɪÉiÉä%nÂù¦ÉÚiɨÉÂ*. Further, VÉɪÉÉ means VÉx¨É|ÉnùÉʪÉxÉÒ VÉɪÉÉ
ºÉkÉÉÎx´ÉiɤɱÉä ¤É±É¨ÉÂ* ÊxÉSÉɪªÉ vÉkÉä ºÉkÉɪÉÉÆ EÞòi´ÉÉ ºÉkÉÉ |ÉnùÉiÉÂ
{ÉÞlÉEÂò*. And +É{É&
means @ñiɨÉÉ{ÉÉä¤É±ÉÉiÉÂ
ʺÉrÆù ºÉiªÉÆ ¾þnùªÉiÉÉä ¤É±ÉÉiÉÂ* ÊuùvÉè´ÉänÆù VÉMÉiÉ ºÉ´ÉÇ @ñiÉÆ ´ÉÉ
ºÉiªÉ¨Éä´É ´ÉÉ*. Here the words @ñiÉÆ and ºÉiªÉ¨É (ºÉiÉ + ÊiÉ + ªÉ¨ÉÂ. D ºÉiªÉ¨É - ºÉkÉɸɪÉÆ ºÉÊiÉ
¦É´É¨É ºÉiªÉ¨ÉÂ) should be defined as in ¶ÉiÉ{ÉlÉ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 14/8/6/2 and UôÉxnùÉäMªÉ ={ÉÊxɹÉnÂù
- ¦ÉÉÊiÉʺÉrù +¾þnùªÉ
+¶É®úÒ®úÒ @ñiɨÉ (boson in modern physics) and κlÉÊiÉʺÉrù ºÉ¾þnùªÉ ºÉ¶É®úÒ®úÒ ºÉiªÉ¨É (fermion).
The three forces vÉÉ®úÉ,
VÉɪÉÉ, +É{É& can be compared to the cohesive force known as van der Waals forces in modern physics. Such
forces are known for quite sometime and are thought to be caused by the
attraction of polar molecules, which have slightly different charges on
different sides of the molecule. For example, water molecules exhibit surface
tension because of van der Waals forces, because the negative charge of one
water molecule’s oxygen atom is attracted to nearby water molecules’ hydrogen
atoms, which have a positive charge at their surfaces. The recent discovery about a kilometer-sized asteroid (29075)
1950 DA published in the scientific Magazine Nature (DOI:10.1038/nature. 2014.15713),
which has baffled scientists, is its macro manifestation.
Similarly, the movement in the primordial +¨¦É& by ¨ÉɪÉÉ,
creates “paths” like “cables” due to bow shock effect, which is called vÉÉ®úÉ changing +¨¦É& into ¨É®úÒSÉÒ&. This generates differential pressure in the
same medium that interact with each other (VÉɪÉÉ&). In modification of Coulomb’s law, Vedic science holds that generally “ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ¨ÉäEòi´ÉEò®Æú
ʴɶÉä¹ÉºiÉÖ {ÉÞlÉCi´ÉEÞòiÉÂ*”
meaning thereby equals attract each other. However, @ñM´Éänù 5/44/15 (+ÎMxÉVÉÉÇMÉÉ®ú iɨÉÞSÉ& EòɨɪÉxiÉä%ÎMxÉVÉÉÇMÉÉ®ú iɨÉÖ ºÉɨÉÉÊxÉ
ªÉÎxiÉ) says that while this
principle is applicable to stable particles with a nucleus surrounded by
electron orbits, in the quantum world, the deficient negative charge is
attracted towards the positive charge (+ÎMxÉVÉÉÇMÉÉ®ú iɨɪÉÆ ºÉÉä¨É +ɽþ iÉ´Éɽþ¨Éκ¨É ºÉJªÉä
It is well known that Coulomb’s law equation
cannot explain charge interaction between a charged object and a charge neutral
object. In Vedic theory, all particles are ʨÉlÉÖxɨÉ – “+ÎMxɹÉÉä¨ÉÉi¨ÉEò”, i.e., a combination of opposite charges
(like up and down quarks in protons and neutrons). This is known as iÉxiÉÖÊ´ÉiÉÉxÉ Ê´ÉtÉ (+lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù – 14/2/71). The +´ªÉªÉ-+IÉ®ú-IÉ®ú exhibit non-interactive, partially interactive, and fully interactive (+ºÉRÂóMÉ, ºÉRÂóMÉɺÉRÂóMÉ,
ºÉºÉRÂóMÉ) characteristics
respectively. Their mutual interactions create ʴɦÉÚÊiÉ, ªÉÉäMÉ, ªÉÉMÉ ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ respectively. The first is known as ºÉƶɮú ¤ÉxvÉxÉ or loose coupling, which cannot create
anything. One example is space-time. The interaction between forces is called ªÉÉäMÉ or ´ÉʽþªÉÉÇ¨É ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ, which can be compared to weak interaction or the van der Waals
forces. They cannot create anything,
but are instrumental in creation. But only when the forces become charged,
their interaction is called ªÉÉMÉ or +xiÉþªÉÉÇ¨É ºÉ¨¤ÉxvÉ, which can be compared to strong nuclear
interaction. This is also known as ªÉÉäMɦÉÉ´ÉÉxÉÖ´ÉxvÉÒ ¦ÉÚiɺɨ¤ÉxvÉ. Only this is capable of creation. If both
charges are equal, holding on to each other (+ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉäªÉ ¦ÉÉ´É) is not possible. They only accumulate
without creating new particles, as was in the first few moments of creation. If
one of the charges is more than the other, the particle is called to have that
charge (ions). Only ions can interact. Even then the interaction can be partial
or total. If the interaction is partial between opposite charges, it creates a
new particle (ºÉÞι]õEò®ú). If it is total, it only increases in mass
- becomes an isotope ({ÉÖι]õEò®ú). If two negative charges interact, it leads
to null effect (ÊxÉ®úlÉÇEò). But if two positive charges interact, it
explodes (ʴɹ¡òÉä]õEò).
The positive/negative charge component (not
magnitude) of proton being 2:1 (as described in BäiÉ®äúªÉ ¥ÉÉÀhɨÉ 12/12/23), the smaller negative charge component of
neutron (-1/11 in Vedic theory) is attracted towards the dominant positive
charge of proton (+10/11), pulling the electron (-1) in the process. Thus, the proton becomes slightly negatively
charged (-1/11) to become the neutron and vice versa holding the atom together.
Thus, protons with its net positive charge (+10/11) or neutrons with a little
net negative charge (-1/11) can interact with each other without requiring any
binding energy. This is the principle described in @ñM´Éänù 1/164/16: in Nature, everything has a slight net
negative charge (ºjÉÒªÉ&
ºÉiÉÒºiÉÉÄ = ¨Éä {ÉÖÆºÉ +ɽÖþ&), but being directed inwards, it is not perceived even in measurement. The
mutual interaction is possible only in a super-fluid (+É{É&) to create fermions (¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ).
The other terms
should be interpreted as follows:
´ÉänùÉ& BʦÉ̽þ {É\SÉʨÉ&* +ʦɴÉÞÊrù¦ÉÚÊiÉ ¤É±ÉÉiÉÂ
¦ÉÉäMªÉÉlÉÉæ{ɺÉÊkɪÉÇYɨÉÚʱÉEòÉ* κlÉ®äú ¦ÉÉäMªÉä iÉÖ ªÉÉ
¦ÉÉäHÖò®úÉGòÉÎxiÉ& ºÉÚjɨÉκiÉ iÉiÉÂ*
´ÉÉSÉ& |ÉÉhɺªÉ ¨ÉxɺÉÉä
xÉÉΨxÉ °ü{Éä SÉ Eò¨ÉÇÊhÉ* +ʦɪÉÉäMÉÉä%κiÉ iÉiÉ ºÉiªÉÆ ªÉIÉÆ
°ü{ÉÉÊnù ¦ÉHòªÉ&*
¤É±ÉÉxÉɨɺÉiÉɨÉä¹ÉÉÆ ¨ÉÞiªÉÖxÉɨɨÉÞiÉä
®úºÉä* +{ÉÞlÉEòi´É¨É¦ÉänùÉä ªÉºiÉnù¦´É ¤É±Énù¶ÉÇxɨÉÂ*
+¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä ¦ÉÉ´É´ÉnÂù ¦ÉÉÊiÉ
ʨÉlªÉÉlÉæ ºÉiªÉiÉÉOɽþ&* ºÉÉä%vªÉɺÉÉä ¨ÉÉä½þ BEòi´ÉÆ ªÉnùiªÉxiÉʴɯûrùªÉÉä&*
YÉÉxÉä ʴɹɪɺÉƺÉMÉÉæ
¨ÉÉjÉÉ´ÉÎxiÉ Ê´É¦ÉÉÎxiÉ xÉ&* iÉuùªÉÉä ªÉɶSÉ iÉx¨ÉÉjÉÉ& ºÉ ´ÉªÉÉäxÉÉvÉ
<¹ªÉiÉä* +Ê´Étè¹ÉÉ {É\SÉnù¶ÉÒ Ê´ÉtÉ iÉiÉ |ÉÊiÉ´ÉxvÉxÉÉ*
The three types
of ¤É±É´ªÉÖ½þ
described above evolve differently based on Uôxnù - the primary units of the primordial
force contained in them (|ÉÉhɨÉÉjÉÉ
Uôxnù). The 5 nù¶ÉÉIÉ®úÉ
¤ÉÞ½þiÉÒUôxnùÉʸÉiÉ ºÉƪÉÉäMÉ|É´ÉkÉÇEò κlÉ®úvɨÉÇ |ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É
evolve into 10 types called: ¦ÉÉ®ú,
+ɪÉiÉxÉÆ, ºlÉÉxÉÊ´É®úÉävÉ, ʴɦÉÉVªÉiÉÉ, ºÉÉxiÉ®úi´ÉÆ, ºÉRÂóMÉ`öxÉÆ,
κlÉÊiɺlÉÉ{ÉEòiÉÉ, SÉÉ{ÉxÉÆ, VÉb÷i´ÉÆ, +Ê´ÉxÉ·É®úi´É¨ÉÂ*. The 5 +¹]õÉIÉ®úÉ +xÉÖ¹]Öõ{ÉÂ
UôxnùÉʸÉiÉ Ê¤É¦ÉÉMÉ|É´ÉkÉÇEò +κlÉ®úvɨÉÇ |ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É evolve into 8
types called: ¶ÉèiªÉ¨ÉÂ,
+ÉEÖò\SÉxÉÆ, EòÊ`öxÉi´ÉÆ, ´ÉhÉÇ°ü{ÉÆ, IÉhɦÉRÂóMÉÖ®úi´ÉÆ, PÉxÉi´ÉÆ, pù´Éi´ÉÆ,
Ê´É®ú±Éi´É¨ÉÂ*. The 5 ÊjÉ{ÉnùÉ
MÉɪÉjÉÒUôxnùÉʸÉiÉ ºÉƺEòÉ®ú|É´ÉkÉÇEò ºÉ´ªÉ{ÉäIÉvɨÉÇ |ɪÉÉäVÉEò ¤É±É evolve
into 3 types called: xÉÉänùxÉɤɱÉÆ,
EäòxpùÉ{ÉMɤɱɨÉÂ, +ÉEò¹ÉÇhɤɱɨÉÂ*. Each of these has various
sub-divisions. For example: xÉÉänùxÉɤɱÉ
evolves into {ÉÚ´ÉÇnäù¶ÉiªÉÉMÉ-=kÉ®únäù¶ÉºÉƪÉÉäMÉÉi¨ÉEò
ºÉ¨É-ʴɹɨÉ-´ÉäMɦÉÉ´ÉÉxÉÖ´ÉxvÉÒ ºÉ¨ÉÊnùMÉ ¤É±ÉÆ,
κlÉÊiÉ-xÉÉxÉɤɱÉPÉÉiÉ {ÉÊ®ú´ÉÞÊkÉ-+ÉÊnù ÊxÉ´ÉxvÉxÉ |ÉÊiÉÊnùMÉ ¤É±É¨ÉÂ
etc. Similarly, +ÉEò¹ÉÇhɤɱɨÉÂ
evolves into ´Éºi´ÉÉEò¹ÉÇhÉ,
EèòʶÉEò´É±ÉÉEò¹ÉÇhÉ, ¶ÉÉä¹ÉhɴɱÉÉEò¹ÉÇhÉ, SÉÉä¹ÉhɴɱÉÉEò¹ÉÇhÉ, etc. Because
of these forces, the penta-divided Nature ({É\SÉ{É´ÉÉÇ |ÉEÞòÊiÉ) evolves into VÉªÉ or 18
interactions. These are: |É´ÉkÉÇEò
ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, xÉèʨÉÊkÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ºÉÉRÂóPÉÉÊiÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ºÉÉƺEòÉÊ®úEò
ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, =nÂù¦É´É ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, |É¦É´É ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, +Éè{É{ÉÉÊnùEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ,
|ÉÉEÞòÊiÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, {ÉÉÊ®ú¨ÉÉÊhÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ®úºÉÉxÉÖ´ÉÞÊkÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ,
ºÉƪÉÖÊHòEò ºÉ¨É´ÉɪÉÒ ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, +Éè{ÉÉnùÉÊxÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ºÉÉRÂóGòÉʨÉEò
ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, +ÉGòÉʨÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ºÉ\SÉÉ®úÒ ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, |ÉÉÊiɦÉÉʹÉEò Ê´É´ÉkÉÇ
ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ¦ÉÉÊ´ÉEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ, ´ÉèEòα{ÉEò <ÎSUôEò ºÉ¨´ÉxvÉ. There are
several variations of these; such as: +xiɪÉÉǨÉ, ´ÉʽþªÉÉǨÉ, ={ɪÉɨÉ, ªÉÉiɪÉɨÉ, =tɨÉ, =nÚùfø,
ºÉƶɮú, OÉÎxlÉ, +ʨÉiÉ´ÉÞÊkÉiÉÉ, nù½þ®úÉäkÉ®ú, ´ÉºÉÖvÉÉxÉEòÉä¶É, ªÉÉäMÉ,
ªÉÉMÉ, +ÉäiÉ|ÉÉäiÉ, etc.
¨ÉɪÉÉ implies {ÉÖ®ú¦ÉÉ´É. {ÉÖ®ú¦ÉÉ´É implies ºÉÒ¨ÉɦÉÉ´É. ºÉÒ¨ÉɦÉÉ´É implies ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ. Since the
Universe resembling ¾þnùªÉ¨ÉÂ
is established by ¨ÉɪÉÉ,
it has been said that ¾þi|ÉÊiɹ`Æö
ªÉnùÊVÉ®ÆúVÉʴɹ`Æö iÉx¨Éä¨ÉxÉ& ʶɴɺÉRÂóEò±{ɨɺiÉÖ. The ±ÉÉäEòºÉɽþ»ÉÒ of ʴɹhÉÖ generates +¶ÉxÉɪÉÉ ´ÉÞÊkÉ, which
in turn generates +zÉ´ÉÞÊkÉ
- +ÉvÉÉ®úÉvÉäªÉ ¦ÉÉ´É.
This in turn creates everything through relative coupling. Thus, it has been
said that “VÉx¨ÉxÉɶÉÉʦɦÉÚiÉɶSÉ
iÉÉ®úiɨªÉäxÉ ºÉÆκlÉiÉÉ&* º{ÉrÇùªÉÉä{ɽþiÉÉ ÊxÉiªÉÆ {É®úiÉxjɶSÉ ºÉ´ÉÇnùÉ*”.
Here we must clarify that Absolute Perception (YÉ º´É°ü{É ÊSÉuÞùÊkÉ) – the unlimited “I know”
part of any perception, is different from knowledge proper (VÉÉxÉxɺ´É°ü{É ¤ÉÖÊrù´ÉÞÊkÉ),
which is information about any limited subject or object. In the statement “{ɶªÉänùÉi¨ÉxɨÉÉi¨ÉÊxÉ”,
one “+Éi¨ÉÉ” is “¤ÉÖÊrù” and the other “+Éi¨ÉÉ” is “{ÉÖ¯û¹É”. Thus,
knowledge is always relatively true. Because all material particles (¦ÉÚiÉ) have five
aspects – ºlÉÚ±É,
º´É°ü{É, ºÉÚI¨É, +x´ÉªÉ and +lÉÇ´Ék´É. Of these, the physical and chemical
characteristics are ºlÉÚ±É.
The general characteristics of a group ({ÉÞÊlÉ´ªÉÉÆ EòÉÊ`öxªÉ, +{ºÉÖ ºxÉä½þ, iÉäVÉºÉ =¹hÉiÉÉ,
´ÉɪÉÉä& |ÉhÉÉʨÉiÉÉ - ÊxɪÉiÉ ºÉ\SÉ®úhɶÉÒ±ÉiÉÉ) are its º´É°ü{É (BEòVÉÉÊiÉ
ºÉ¨ÉÎx´ÉiÉÉxÉɨÉä¹ÉÉÆ vɨÉǨÉÉjÉ ´ªÉÉ´ÉÞÊkÉ&). ºÉÚI¨É means
non-divisible (+xÉÖkÉ®úʴɦÉÉMÉEò¨ÉÂ).
Thus, the elementary particles only (¦ÉÚiÉEòÉ®úhÉ iÉx¨ÉÉjÉÉ) are ºÉÚI¨É aspect of all objects, because ¦ÉÚiÉ is so called as they
are associated with large numbers - ¦ÉÚ¨ÉÉ.
Based on
perception, objects have been divided into two categories: directly perceptible
- ¦ÉÉ´É |ÉiªÉªÉ
and indirectly inferred - ={ÉɪÉ
|ÉiªÉªÉ. The later are also of two types: näù´ÉÉ& and |ÉEÞòÊiɱɪÉÉ&. The näù´ÉÉ& are multi-quark structures.
The @ñ¹ÉªÉ&
are less than three confined quark structures – mesons (@ñ¹ÉªÉººÉ{iÉÉÊjɶSÉ ªÉiÉÂ* ºÉ´Éæ%jɪÉÉä +MɺiªÉ¶SÉ - iÉèÊkÉ®úÒªÉ +É®úhªÉEò¨É 1/11
- +MɺiªÉ EÖò¨¦ÉVÉÉiÉ -confined).
These are of seven categories. The iÉx¨ÉÉjÉÉ are individual confined quarks that are not seen
in free state - |ÉEÞòÊiɱɪÉÉ&,
as we can not only know their internal structure (+´ÉªÉ´É¦ÉänùYÉÉxÉ xÉÉκiÉ), but also not know
their position, as position (´ÉÉÁɴɪɴÉ)
can only be known if they exist in free state. Thus, they are only known
through their effect or motion in time - as the proton turns into neutron or
vice versa or the neutrinos and antineutrinos that mediate it, etc. No such
perception is possible for consciousness. All particles are perceived through
their mass-energy-interaction (|ÉEòɶÉ-EòɪÉÇ-vÉɪÉÇ).
Since these three exist in everything in a specific proportion, that harmonic
proportion is called +x´ÉªÉ.
The last aspect of all particles is its utility - +lÉÇ´Ék´É, as everything has a specific use. We
perceive some or all of these aspects only – not totality, which is
indescribable (due to MÉÖhɺÉɨªÉ).
This explains the essential part of the Brahmasootra. The other Sootras are
only extensions or elucidations of these.
‚ |ÉäÊiÉ
EòÉä +rùÉ ´Éänù Eò <½þ |É ´ÉÉäSÉiÉÂ EÖòiÉ +ÉVÉÉiÉÉ EÖòiÉ
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