Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Our ancients knew about black holes and described them as follows: There is much more about black holes than people imagine or scientists postulate. If stars and galaxies are like protons, black holes are like neutrons with heliospheres as the electrons. Just like electrons have energy levels, black holes have event horizons. The interiors of stars and galaxies are hot, but that of black holes are cold. Since magnetic effect dominates in black holes which turn in loops, you cannot enter a black hole strait, but only in a torturous and spiraling path. The stars and galaxies are made out of plasma. black hole interiors are made out of anti-matter. They do not interact with normal matter, because they are confined by the shells like electron shells. When we split an atom, they come out an interact with normal matter, by releasing too much energy. They do not release gamma rays, which are released from nucleus. They release x-rays, which are released from electron shells.

Gamma rays have characteristics identical to X-rays of the same frequency - they differ only in the source of their origin. Gamma rays are usually distinguished by their origin: X-rays are emitted by the negatively charged electrons outside the nucleus which are cooler areas, while gamma rays are emitted by the positively charged nucleus, which is very hot. Thus, in a black hole which emits x-rays, this aspect could not be ignored. It would imply that black hole interior cannot be extremely hot.
Secondly, black holes are the third stage of collapse after white dwarfs and neutron stars, based on the relative mass of dying stars. After death, everything becomes cold. Hence the probability is the interior of black hole is cool. Thirdly, these bodies have very strong magnetic fields, which must emanate from its interior to loop closely, so that charged particles moving nearby will fall into it. The stronger the magnet, the stronger the magnetic field and stronger its effect. If we heat a magnet we supply it with more thermal energy, so the individual electron spins (like tiny magnets themselves) become more likely to be in high-energy states, pointing oppositely to their neighbors. That means that they are less lined up so the total magnetism is reduced. At some point, in between the weakening of the overall magnetism and the availability of extra thermal energy (above 176° Fahrenheit or 80° Celsius), it becomes easy for domain walls - the boundaries between regions that are lined up pointing towards different directions - to slide around. Then the domains will rearrange so that they reduce the large-scale field energy by pointing towards different directions. That means that the permanent magnet is no longer overall magnetized. If we heat further, individual spins within domains become more likely to point opposite to their neighbors, and that reduces the average alignment seen by their neighbors too, reducing the effect which favors their having lined up in the first place. The magnet will become permanently demagnetized if exposed to these temperatures for a certain length of time. At a well-defined temperature, called the Curie temperature, the whole tendency to align into domains collapses, and the material ceases to be ferromagnetic. Cooling the material will cause magnetic domains to form again at the Curie temperature, but unless an external field is applied as the material cools, the domains will point all different directions. Thus, we will not have a net magnetized permanent magnet. For iron magnets, Curie temperature is 1043 degrees Kelvin. Hence if the interior of the magnet is very hot as Abhas Mitra and others say, then it would lose its magnetic properties including magnetic field. Then it will not attract anything. Thus, the interior of black holes cannot be hot. For the above reason, the interior of a black hole does not have a straight path, but is highly zigzag. This is what our ancients believed. Then who is right?

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